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词汇 cable
例句 Each of the homes has a security system and is wired for cable television.各户都有安保系统,还接收有线电视。His foot caught in the cable and he fell under the train.他脚绊到电缆,摔倒在火车下面。All the rooms have been wired for cable TV.所有房间都已布好有线电视线路。We heard a twang as the cable broke.缆绳断时我们听到嘣的一声。Nearly every long-distance call made in Britain now travels on optical fibre instead of cable.现在在英国,几乎所有长途电话都通过光纤而非电缆传输。What is the breaking strain of this cable?这缆索的致断应力为多少?Colin was up there, thoughtfully looping a cable round his hand.科林在上面,小心地把电缆盘在手上。Most cable viewers have a few channels that they watch regularly.大部分有线电视观众有几个经常观看的频道。The cable company scrambles the channels that you do not pay for.有线电视公司会对未付费的频道实施扰频。A fast cable connection is recommended.建议使用快速电缆连接。The cable company offers lower prices and free installation.这家有线电视公司报价更低,而且免费安装。With a few swift blows of the axe, she severed the cable.她用斧子干净利落地砍了几下,就把电缆切断了。He works for a cable television company.他为一家有线电视公司工作。The cable is designed to withstand strains of more than four tons.这条钢缆设计承受的拉力超过四吨。We can't have cable installed.我们不能装有线电视。The truck used a cable to tow the automobile.卡车用缆索拖曳汽车。A boat may lie more quietly at anchor if the cable is led to the bowsprit-end.假如把缆绳引到船头第一斜桅末端,船停泊时可能更稳当。The show will be simulcast on NBC, Fox and a number of cable networks.该节目将在美国全国广播公司、福克斯电视台及多家有线电视网联播。Does our hotel room have cable?我们旅馆的房间有有线电视吗?Despite rapidly rising incomes, few in the country are able to afford cable TV.尽管收入增长很快,国内还是很少有人负担得起有线电视。He was electrocuted when severe gales blew down an overhead high-voltage cable.狂风吹倒了架空高压线,把他电死了。We tried to reach them by cable.我们试著用电报跟他们联络。Telephone and cable lines link your home office to the outside world.电话线和电缆线路把家庭办公室和外面的世界联系起来。She sent a cable to her mother.她给母亲发了封电报。I received a cable from New York.我收到一封从纽约来的电报。The mayor plans to televise council meetings on cable channels.市长打算在有线电视频道上转播政务委员会会议。The socket for the printer cable is located at the rear of the computer.打印机电缆插座在计算机的后面。The overhead cable is a potential death trap for birds.头顶的电缆是鸟类潜在的死亡陷阱。My cable company offers on-demand service/movies.我的有线电视公司提供点播服务/电影点播。Steel cable will be used to replace worn ropes.将用钢缆替换磨损的绳索。Today television networks face increasing competition from cable programming.如今,电视广播公司面临着有线节目与日俱增的挑战。In some respects, DSL is superior to cable for Internet access.从某些角度看,数字用户线路在上网方面优于电缆。The chatter of the chairlift cable over the pulley wheel is the loudest noise.最大的声响是升降椅的缆绳在滑轮上发出的吱吱声。The cable has a copper wire surrounded by a plastic sheath.电缆是铜丝做的,外面包着塑料皮。Workers had cut through an electrical cable while they were digging.工人们在挖掘时割断了一根电缆。Connect the cable to the correct terminal.将电缆连到正确的接线端。Nearly one home in ten across the country is wired up to receive TV via cable.该国有近十分之一的家庭通过电缆接收电视信号。Broadcast networks are losing share to cable networks.广播公司的市场份额正被有线电视抢占。They are linked by undersea cable to the mainland.它们通过海底电缆与大陆相连。The channel is only available on cable.这个频道只有有线电视才能收看。




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