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词汇 to go with
例句 They expressed a desire to go with us.他们表示想和我们一起去。I hauled around to go with you.我改变主意了,我决定跟你一起去。I wanted so much to go with him, but he wouldn't let me come.我很想和他一起去,可是他不让我去。He jollied her along until she agreed to go with him.他把她哄得高高兴兴地同意跟他一道去了。They had unanimously decided to go with the captain's plan.他们一致决定执行船长的计划。It's easier to go with the current.顺流而下比较容易。I need a top to go with these trousers.我需要一件上衣配这条裤子。I was sorry I ever agreed to go with them.很抱歉我答应了和他们一起去。I jumped at the chance to go with him.我欣然抓住和他一块去的机会。He agreed to go with them and act as their guide.他同意和他们一起去,给他们当向导。Some people prefer to go with the stream.有些人宁可顺应潮流。I shall advertise for someone to go with me.我将登广告寻人和我同去。She requested Tom to go with her.她邀请汤姆一同去。She asked me to go with her and I didn't have the heart to refuse.她要我同她一起去,我不忍心拒绝她。A fair amount of stress seems to go with jobs like this.像这样的工作会伴随相当大的压力。Now I see why she didn't want to go with me – she was interested in George.这一来我明白她不想和我一起去的原因了,她对乔治感兴趣。Those who are willing to go with me for the task subscribe here.愿意同我一起去执行这项任务的人请在这儿签名。Margaret wants me to go with her.玛格丽特想让我和她一起去。She foolishly agreed to go with them.她傻乎乎地同意跟他们去。I kept after him until he promised to go with me.我缠着他不放,直到他答应和我一起去。He intended to go with us, but he cried off at the last minute.他本来打算与我们一起去,但是最后却改变主意了。She unwillingly agreed to go with them.她勉强答应与他们一起去。I was in two minds about whether to go with him.我犹豫不决,不知道要不要和他一起去。After thinking about who to offer the job to, they decided to go with the more experienced candidate.在考虑了该把工作交给谁之后,他们决定选用更有经验的应聘者You have to go with the stream and take your chances.你必须随波逐流,把握机遇。Kevin made one last futile attempt to persuade Sandra to go with him, then left.凯文最后一次试图劝桑德拉跟他走,但未能奏效,然后便离开了。She's still blowing hot and cold on whether to go with us.她对是否跟我们一起走仍犹豫不决。He didn't show any pleasure when I offered to go with him.我提出和他一起去,他没有露出高兴的样子。I need a new pocketbook to go with these shoes.我需要一个新手提包来配这双鞋。Jane and Bill asked me to go with them, but I refused because I didn't want to play gooseberry.珍和比尔邀我和他们一起去,我谢绝了,因为我不想不识趣地夹在他们中间。He begged her to go with him, but she told him he was wasting his breath.他恳求她与他一起去,但是她叫他不要白费口舌。I asked her to go with him, but she bridled with anger at the suggestion.我要她跟他一起去,但她对此建议大为气恼。He urged me to go with him.他怂恿我陪他一块去。In a moment of madness I agreed to go with him.我一时糊涂,同意和他一起去。We decided to go with the lowest quotation.我们决定接受最低的报价。My friend, most unusually, decided not to go with me.我的朋友非常反常地决定不跟我去了。We considered all the options and decided to go with John's original proposal.我们考虑了所有可能的办法,决定采用约翰原来的提议。She wondered whether she should offer to go with him. But she forbore.她不知是否应该主动提议和他一起走,但还是忍住没问。I was searching for a pair of grey gloves to go with my new gown.我在找一副跟我的新礼服相配的灰色手套。Will you suffer me to go with you?我能跟你一起去吗?




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