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词汇 卫星
例句 The satellite was tumbling out of control.卫星失控坠落。Soviet rockets launched more satellites into orbit.苏联火箭发射了更多卫星进入轨道。Repeated attempts to fix the satellite have failed.修复卫星的数次努力都以失败告终。We stayed in Aurora, a satellite suburb of Chicago.我们停留在奥罗拉,芝加哥的一个卫星郊区。Both satellites entered orbit but quickly malfunctioned.两颗卫星都进入了轨道,但很快就出了故障。Space satellites are ping-ponging video news from every point of the earth to every other point.航天卫星正在全世界范围内来回传送着电视新闻。The satellite has become an important means of communication.卫星已成为一个重要的通讯工具。The satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burned up.卫星重新进入大气层,烧成灰烬。The army uses satellites to help soldiers navigate unfamiliar terrain.军队利用卫星给士兵在不熟悉的地形上导航。The satellite measures atmospheric gases responsible for ozone destruction.卫星测量破坏臭氧的大气层气体。The number of known satellites in the solar system rose to 32.太阳系里已知的卫星数量增加到三十二个。On top of this is all the information from radars, satellites, radios and the monitoring of communications.另外,还有所有来自于雷达、卫星和无线电的信息,以及通信监测信息。Experts have bracketed the two moons with Mars as a potential source of dangerous micro-organisms.专家们将这两个卫星与火星一起归入危险微生物的潜在来源。The drag of those extra air molecules brought the satellite crashing to Earth.额外的空气分子阻力使得卫星坠毁到了地球上。Solar panels are used to power satellites.太阳能电池板用来给卫星供电。The drag of those extra air molecules brought the satellite crashing to Earth.那些额外的空气分子产生的阻力使卫星撞向地球。Parts of the satellite crashed into the sea.卫星的有些部分坠入了大海。The car comes with an on-board satellite navigation device.这辆车上装了卫星导航系统。There have been slight deviations in the satellite's orbit.卫星轨道有些许偏差。Satellites revolve around their planets.卫星绕着各自的行星运转。The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the earth's atmosphere.卫星坠经地球大气层时会碎裂起火,化为灰烬。The satellite fixes positions by making repeated observations of each star.卫星通过反复观察每颗恒星进行定位。The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials.编码信号由碟形卫星天线接收。The military use radar satellites to track targets through clouds and at night.军队用雷达卫星透过云雾和夜幕追踪目标。The satellite remains in orbit.卫星保持沿轨道运行。The satellites orbit at different heights/altitudes.卫星在不同的高度上沿轨道运行。The government recently gave its approval to several US companies to sell satellite and other hi-tech equipment on the open market.政府最近批准若干美国公司在公开市场出售卫星和其他高科技设备。The use of satellites represents a quantum jump for communications.卫星的使用标志着传播技术的一个飞跃发展。The satellite acts as a drag on the shuttle.卫星成了航天飞机的累赘。The moon is a satellite of the Earth.月球是地球的卫星The radio signals are bounced off a satellite.无线电信号从卫星上反射回来。The friction between the satellite and the atmosphere generates great heat.卫星与大气的摩擦产生大量的热。The two TV stations are joined by a satellite link.这两家电视台由卫星连接。At this point the satellite separates from its launcher.在这个时候,卫星会脱离发射装置。Many satellite broadcasts are encoded so that they can only be received by people who have paid to see them.许多卫星传送的节目都是加密的,只有付费的用户才能收看。Saturn's moon, Titan, has an atmosphere mainly made of nitrogen.土星的卫星泰坦的大气层主要由氮气构成。The Americans are preparing two new satellites for launch.美国人正准备发射两颗新卫星The Mirror Group already owned a satellite TV channel.镜报集团已经拥有了一个卫星电视频道。Satellites receive signals in space and send them back to Earth.卫星在太空接收信号并发送回地球。By the end of the decade, direct satellite connections for the Internet may be available.到这个十年结束时,互联网可能会以卫星直接连线。




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