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词汇 博物馆
例句 If you're in town for any length of time , be sure to see the museum.你如果在镇上待一段时间,一定要参观博物馆Children can get into the museum free.儿童可免费进博物馆参观。The pictures on loan from the Art Museum were the centre of the exhibit.向美术博物馆借来的几幅画成为展览会中引人注目的中心。The city is advantaged because of its proximity to many fine schools and museums.该城因附近有许多高水平的学校和博物馆而得益不少。The museum restored the painting to its original appearance.博物馆修复了这幅画。The museum was built as a lasting monument to the civil war.博物馆的修建是对内战的永久纪念。The museum microfilmed all the drawings we required and provided us with microfilm prints.博物馆把我们需要的所有绘画都拍摄在缩微胶卷上,并提供给我们缩微胶卷的冲印相片。The museum sits on the exact spot where gold was first discovered.那家博物馆恰好坐落在最早发现黄金的地点。Museums are trying to shake off their starchy image.博物馆正努力摆脱其或多或少有点刻板的形象。Even though museums have begged to borrow her collection, she could never split it up.尽管已有博物馆请求借用她的收藏品,但她永远不会将藏品分开展出。The museum is full of rare and precious treasures.这家博物馆里收藏的满是奇珍异宝。This is an interactive museum where children can actively manipulate the exhibits.这是一个互动式博物馆,孩子们可以亲手摆弄展品。The new museum must be accessible by public transport.博物馆必须能乘坐公共交通工具到达。Examples of her work will go on permanent display in the new museum.她的一些作品将在新博物馆永久陈列。The evening was topped off by a special showing of the museum's new Degas exhibit.最后博物馆特别展示了一件新收藏的德加作品,当晚的活动就此结束。The museum was recently plunged into scandal when it was learned that some of its art had been sold on the black market.人们得知它的一些艺术品在黑市上出售后,这家博物馆最近突然陷入丑闻。The museum has an exhibition of paintings on loan from the Louvre.博物馆有个画展,展出从卢浮宫借来的画作。Her sculptures will be on show at the museum until the end of the month.她的雕塑作品将会在博物馆中展览至月底。We're celebrating the museum's centennial this summer. 今年夏天我们将庆祝博物馆成立一百周年。If you're short of time, I recommend seeing at least the museum and the cathedral.如果你时间不够,我建议你至少要去参观博物馆和大教堂。The museum contains a number of original artworks.这家博物馆藏有一些艺术品原作。Entry to the museum is free.博物馆免费参观。We were determined to get our money's worth from our day tickets and went to every museum in the city.我们决心让自己的当日门票物有所值,于是去遍了城里的每一家博物馆The museum is of great interest, both to experts and to casual visitors.这座博物馆很有意思,对专家和难得去一次的人来说都是如此。The paintings at the museum are originals, not copies. 博物馆的这些画都是真品,不是摹本。The new museum rates a visit. 这座新博物馆值得一看。John was taking a party of tourists around the museum.约翰正在带领一群游客参观博物馆In the last few years the museum has undergone extensive renovation.在过去的数年里,这家博物馆经历了大规模的整修。The museum is deeply indebted to its many generous patrons.这家博物馆深深受惠于它的众多慷慨赞助人。The museum normally showcases Western art.这家博物馆通常只展示西方的美术作品。At the museum there was a diorama of local wildlife.博物馆里有当地野生动植物的立体透视模型。The museum is within view of our hotel. 从我们的酒店可以看到博物馆There is a tendency to shut museums or shops at a moment's notice.现在博物馆或商店有一种说关就关的趋势。The city's museums offer a multitude of cultural possibilities.该市的博物馆提供多种文化选择。Her involvement with the museum lasted over two decades.她参与博物馆工作前后有二十多年了。The National Gallery loaned out the painting to another museum.国家美术馆把这幅画借给了另外一个博物馆A chair like this cries out to be used , not kept in some museum.这样的椅子应该拿来使用,而不是摆在博物馆里。The class split into two. Half of us went to the museum and half to the cathedral.班上同学分成两组:一组去了博物馆,一组去了教堂。The exhibition was conceived by the museum's director.这次展览是由博物馆馆长构思设计的。The museum is all things to all people, young and old.这家博物馆适合所有参观者,老少皆宜。




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