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词汇 broadened
例句 The political spectrum has broadened.政治范围得到了扩大。At Missouri, Wright broadened his experience by working on a local newspaper.在密苏里州,赖特通过在当地一家报社工作来增加经验。The protest has broadened to encompass other demands.抗议扩大到包括其他要求。Her smile broadened when I told her the good news.我告诉她这个好消息时,她笑得更灿烂了。Her trips to Asia have broadened her cultural horizons.亚洲之行开阔了她的文化视野。The scope of the book has been broadened to include the history of Eastern Europe.书的范围有所扩大,包括了东欧历史。The street broadened into a square.街道拓宽为广场。The smile broadened to a grin.笑容变得更加灿烂。Her smile broadened to reveal two rows of brown stumps.她微笑时露出两排褐色牙根。This narrow highway should be broadened.这条狭窄的公路应该加宽。His interests broadened to include art and music, not just sports.他的爱好不只是运动,还包括艺术和音乐。As he grew angrier, his accent broadened.他越愤怒时,口音就越重。His experiences have broadened his mind.他的经历使他视界开阔。Flynn's appeal broadened as the campaign continued into the summer months.随着这场运动进入夏季,弗林的影响力也扩大了。The investigation has broadened to include the mayor's staff.调查已经扩大到市长的工作人员。The trails broadened into roads.羊肠小道变成了宽阔的公路。My wide-ranging reading broadened my mind.我博览群书,这扩大了我的知识面。The company has broadened its product range in the US.该公司增加了它在美国的产品种类。Adeline's smile broadened entrancingly.阿德琳的笑容更加灿烂迷人了。Her round face broadened out into a smile.她的圆脸上绽开了笑容。The police have broadened the scope of the investigation.警方扩大了调查范围。As we drove towards Chamdo, the river broadened.我们驶近昌都时,河面越来越宽。




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