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词汇 匆忙
例句 We hurried to straighten up before they arrived.我们在他们到达之前匆忙把东西整理好。We hurried on until we reached a courtyard that was overgrown with weeds.我们匆忙前往,来到了一个杂草丛生的庭院。She wrote it hastily and messily on a scrap of paper.匆忙将其潦潦草草地写在一张纸片上。I made a hasty sketch of the scene.匆忙画了一张现场图。He shifted hastily to a new subject.匆忙转换一个新的话题。She had a quick swig of water and then set off again.匆忙喝了一口水,然后又出发了。The quarterback was forced to hurry his throw.四分卫被迫匆忙抛球。She hurried away to pour more coffee and tend to the grill.匆忙走开,去添加咖啡和照看烤架。Howe summoned a doctor and hurried over.豪叫了医生,然后匆忙赶了过来。I need some time to think it through - I don't want to make any sudden decisions.我需要一些时间来考虑这件事——我不想匆忙作决定。I scooped up my belongings into my handbag.匆忙把自己的东西塞进包里。I hastily packed the hamper and lugged it to the car.匆忙装好食品篮,吃力地把它拎上车子。He threw on his overcoat and hurried out.匆忙披上大衣,赶了出去。He bundled the children off to school.匆忙把孩子们送到了学校。He retreated hastily back to his car.匆忙退回自己的车里。I observed my fellow shoppers rushing from store to store.我观察到和我一样的购物者匆忙赶往一家又一家商店。The girls hurried outside, climbed into the car, and drove off.女孩们匆忙跑了出来,爬进汽车,然后驱车离去。Bob hurried to join him, and they rode home together.鲍勃匆忙赶去和他会合,然后两人一起开车回家。Don't rush your decision.匆忙地作出决定。In her hurry to leave she forgot her briefcase.她走得匆忙,忘了拿公文包。A woman bustled up to me.一个女人匆忙来找我。In his haste to leave, he forgot his briefcase.他走得很匆忙,忘了带公文包。I left home in such a hurry that I forgot the tickets.我离家特别匆忙,以至于忘了拿票。We left in a hurry and I must have left my keys behind.我们走得太匆忙,我肯定是忘了拿钥匙。I rushed home from work to get ready for the party.下班后我匆忙赶回家为派对做准备。She dodged through the crowds as she hurried home.她在人群中躲躲闪闪,匆忙赶回家。In his hurry to leave the room, he tripped over a chair.他在匆忙离开房间时被椅子绊倒了。Downing Street denied there had been a hurried overnight redrafting of the text.唐宁街否认连夜匆忙修改了文本。Being under stress can cause you to miss meals or bolt your food.人在压力之下有时会吃不上饭,或是匆忙进食。It looks like they left in a bit of a hurry.看来他们走的时候有点儿匆忙She dashed off three letters in half an hour.她在半小时内匆忙写完三封信。All three of us rushed pell-mell into the kitchen.我们三人全都匆忙跑进厨房。The government insisted that it would not be panicked into interest rate cuts.政府坚称不会陷入恐慌而匆忙降息。Clements was scribbling in his notebook.克莱门茨正匆忙地在笔记本上写着什么。The government rushed through legislation aimed at Mafia leaders.政府匆忙通过了针对黑手党首领的立法。He left in haste , so I didn't get a chance to talk to him.他走得很匆忙,所以我没有机会和他说话。In his hurry to leave, he forgot his laptop.他离开得太匆忙,忘了带笔记本电脑。Britain is likely to stitch together some sort of political deal to avoid a confrontation.英国很可能会为避免冲突而匆忙达成某种政治交易。Don't make hasty generalizations.不要匆忙作判断。He huddled up the conclusion of his speech.匆忙结束了演讲。




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