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词汇 paper
例句 What paper do you usually read?你通常看什么报?He stuck the sheets of paper together with paste.他用浆糊把这些纸张黏在一起。The book is beautifully printed on good quality paper.那本书纸质优良,印刷精美。Passengers were jostling each other at the news kiosk for the last remaining copies of the evening paper.乘客们为了购得最后几份晚报,在售报亭前互相推搡。I always sketch with pen and paper.我总是用钢笔和纸画素描。Inkjet printers give their best results on costly coated paper.喷墨打印机在昂贵的铜版纸上打印效果最佳。Felton had made the same allegations on paper, and had sent a copy to the FBI.费尔顿把这些指控写了出来,已给联邦调查局寄去一份。Hey, mister, do you want to buy a paper?嗨,先生,您要买份报吗?This printer allows you to print on both sides of a sheet of paper.这台打印机可以双面打印。He flipped the paper over and started writing on the back.他把纸翻过来,在背面写了起来。I folded the paper and put it carefully in my pocket.我将这张纸折叠后小心地放进口袋。Don't believe what it says in the paper – it's a pack of lies.别相信报纸上说的 — 全是一派谎言。All our envelopes are made from recycled paper.我们的信封都是用再生纸做的。A crumpled scrap of paper was found in her handbag.在她的手提包里发现了一张皱巴巴的小纸片。He got all the big scoops for the paper.他为本报弄到所有的头号独家新闻。He got kicked out of school because he plagiarized a term paper.他因抄袭学期论文被勒令退学。Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.在报纸下面的一张纸上放着一个信封。She was carrying several brown paper parcels. 她拿着几个牛皮纸包的包裹。I scribbled down his number on a scrap of paper.我在一张小纸片上草草写下了他的号码。He snapped his fingers, and Wilson produced a sheet of paper.他打了个响指,威尔逊便递过一张纸来。Buy more paper than you need to allow for wastage.考虑到损耗,买纸时打出余量。Seeing that advertisement in the paper was a lucky break for me.看见报上那则广告是我的好运。Allow the paper to dry overnight.让纸晾上一夜。He sits down and reads the paper, then goes out for a pint.他会坐下读报,然后出去喝杯啤酒。Smooth down with a fine abrasive paper.用一张细砂纸来打磨光滑。He wadded up the paper and threw it onto the floor.他把纸揉成一团扔在地上。The tool punches holes in paper.这个工具能在纸张上打孔。Could you tell me where to change paper money into silver?请问在哪儿可以把纸币兑换成硬币? The paper published some short excerpts from Mandela's memoirs.该报登出了曼德拉回忆录的一些片段。He placed the paper in a plain envelope.他把论文装进一个空白信封里。We didn't understand how difficult it was to distribute a national paper.我们不了解分销一份全国发行的报纸有多难。I lined the box with paper.我用纸给盒子做了内衬。I decided to put pen to paper and let you know of a few problems.我决定动笔写下来,让你了解一些问题。His paper was well received by the class.他的作文受到班级好评。It's important to get things down on paper.一定要把事情记在纸上。He patted the lettuce dry with a paper towel.他用纸巾把生菜的水蘸干。To finish my paper for class, I had to pull an all-nighter. 为了完成课程论文,我只好彻夜赶工了。We bought plastic cups and paper plates for the picnic.我们为野餐买了塑料杯子和纸盘。I read a good article in today's paper.我在今天的报纸上读到了一篇好文章。Freud first mentioned this concept in his paper 'On Narcissism'.弗洛伊德在他的论文《论自恋》中首次提到了这个概念。




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