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词汇 包装
例句 Biodegradable packaging helps to limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.可生物降解包装有助于减少排放到大气层中的有害化学物质的数量。It is selling very well, in part because the packaging is so attractive.它销售火爆,部分原因是其包装设计非常吸引人。Just prepare according to package directions.只根据包装说明进行准备就行。All prices include postage and packing / handling.所有的价格均包括邮费和包装/装卸费。They packaged their soaps in eyecatching wrappers.他们为各种肥皂设计并制造了花哨的包装We hope to sell goods by packaging them attractively.我们把商品包装得很美观,希望把它们卖出去。All this unnecessary packaging creates so much waste.所有这些不必要的包装会造成很大的浪费。All the fruit is taken to the warehouse where it is graded and packed.所有水果都会运到仓库里分级和包装The packaging can be recycled.包装可以回收。No product is too prosaic to profit greatly by attractive packaging.靠迷人的包装,任何商品就不会单调乏味,因而总能获利不小。He unwrapped the gift.他拆开了礼物的包装Defective cartons soured the apples.由于包装纸板箱有毛病,苹果腐烂了。These things pack easily.这些东西容易包装Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it.包装时请不要将衬衫弄绉了。Packaged foods have to show a list of ingredients.包装食品必须列出食品成分。The candles are inspected for damage/defects before being packaged.蜡烛包装前进行了检查以防残损/瑕疵。The colorful packaging of many candy bars attracts the eyes of children.很多糖果棒绚丽多彩的包装吸引着孩子们的目光。The package was wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine.包裹以牛皮纸包装,以双股线捆扎。A scanner reads the bar codes on packages.扫描器读取商品包装上的条形码。In record-business lingo, that means he wanted to buy the rights to the song and market it.用唱片业的行话来说,就是他想买下那首歌曲的版权,然后包装推出。The cereal is packaged in plain boxes.谷类食物用简装盒包装Californian wines became easy drinking in fancy packaging.加利福尼亚葡萄酒成了包装讲究、极易饮用的酒品。Thaw frozen meat in its packet and then cook as soon as possible.先将冻肉连包装解冻,然后尽快烹煮。Food is often processed before it is packaged and sold.食品在包装和出售之前常要经过加工。Cheap, plastic-wrapped cheese is nowhere near as good as the real thing.塑料纸包装的廉价干酪远远不如正宗的货色。We feel that our policy of low-price products in plain packaging is the key to our success.我们认为,包装朴实的低价产品是我们成功的要诀。The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts.服务项目还包括包装和递送礼物。Many customers are influenced by designer names and fancy packaging.许多顾客都受到设计师品牌和华丽包装的影响。Packaging improvements have been leapfrogging each other.包装改革正在你追我赶超过对手。The code informs us where and when a product was packaged.这个代码告诉我们一件产品的包装地和包装时间。Competition by price is giving way to an accent on presentation.价格竞争正在减少,代之而起的是在包装方面精益求精。We make a small charge for wrapping your gift.包装礼品要收少许费用。The classic album has been remastered, repackaged and rereleased.这张经典专辑经过重新灌制和包装后已经再次发行了。The package got torn on the way to the station.在去车站的路上,包装给弄破了。Dad handed me a big box wrapped in gold foil and tied with a red ribbon.爸爸递给我一个用金箔包装、外面扎了根红丝带的大盒子。Caviar should be packed at source.鱼子酱甫一加工完毕即应予以包装Much of the success of a product comes down to presentation.一个产品的成功大部分可归结为包装If the package is wrapped well, we assume the contents are also wonderful.如果包装精美,我们就会认为里面装的也是好东西。They put a warning on the packaging just to cover themselves.他们在包装上附上警告语只是为了保护自己。Sarah sat down and unwrapped her sandwiches.萨拉坐下来,打开三明治的包装




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