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词汇 务实
例句 The representatives were serious businesslike diplomats who disliked small talk.代表们都是严肃务实的外交人员,他们不喜欢寒暄。They love her practical attitude to life, her zest and wit.他们喜欢她务实的人生态度、她的热情和幽默。His decision not to expand the business shows his down-to-earth realism.他决定不扩大经营规模,这显示了他脚踏实地的务实作风。She's a realist, not a dreamer.她是个务实派,不是幻想家。She was a practical, unsentimental woman.她是一个务实、理智的女人。Pragmatically, MTV's survival depends on selling the youth market to advertisers.务实角度来说,音乐电视网的生存依赖于把年轻人市场卖给广告商。They adopted a sensible, middle-of-the-road policy on defence spending.他们在国防开支上采取了理性务实的温和政策。The right person for the job will balance vision with pragmatism.胜任这个工作的人将以务实的方法来平衡愿景。He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia's moderate and realistic oil policies.他表示很感激沙特阿拉伯推行的被他称作稳健而务实的石油政策。Williams took a more pragmatic approach to management problems.威廉斯在管理问题上采用的是一种更务实的做法。Far from being a dreamer, she's a level-headed pragmatist.她是个头脑冷静的务实派,绝不是一个不切实际的人。We need to deal with these problems realistically.我们需要务实地解决这些问题。The people of this country need to be more realistic - you can't have lower taxes as well as higher spending on health and pensions.这个国家的人需要务实一些—又要少交税,又要在卫生保健和养老金方面多支出,这是不可能的。He is a practical humanist, who believes in the dignity of mankind.他是一个务实的人本主义者,信奉的是人类的尊严。He has hope, but also a scientist's sense of realism.他抱着希望,但同时又有着一个科学家的务实感。We must be ruthlessly pragmatic and intensely focused.我们必须坚定地坚持务实态度,必须专心致志。He was a dreamy and impractical young man.他是个喜欢幻想、不务实的年轻人。Despite their wealth, they were always practical about money.他们虽然很富有,但在钱方面总是很务实Police have to be realistic about violent crime.警方需要对暴力犯罪持务实态度。His books offer an unromantic view of war.他的著述以务实的观点描述战争。Some thought they would hold out until Sunday. The realists knew that the game was already up.有些人以为他们还能坚持到星期天。务实的人却很清楚,戏已经收场了。If nothing else, Doug is a hard-nosed businessman.别的不说,道格起码是个精明务实的商人。She was a dreamer – not pragmatic.她是个空想家,不大务实Their ideas seem to be far more down-to-earth and sensible.他们的想法似乎更加务实和明智。Fran's a friendly, down-to-earth person.弗兰是个友善而务实的人。She had a reputation for clear thinking and pragmatism.她曾以思路清晰、观点务实而闻名。She is a tough, pragmatic, intuitive leader.她是一个强硬务实、有直觉力的领导。Some thought they would hold out until Sunday. The realists knew that the game was already up.有些人以为他们还能撑到星期天,务实的人却很清楚,这一切都已结束了。People are surprised by what an unpretentious, down-to-earth guy he really is.他实际上是一个谦逊务实的人,这令人们都很惊讶。He has a sense of realism about what can be done to improve the economy.他以务实的观念看待如何促进经济。Their ideas seem to be far more down to earth and sensible.他们的想法貌似更务实也更合理。They're pragmatic about the spending cuts.他们在削减开支方面很务实She impressed everyone with her businesslike manner.她那种务实的态度给大家留下了深刻的印象。On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.总而言之,这是一本通俗而务实的物理入门书。Putting all emotion aside for a minute, let's be practical.我们还是务实一点,把所有感情都暂放一边吧。If he is to win, he has to be both crafty and pragmatic.如果他想赢,就必须既精明又务实She's a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions.她是那种很务实、毫不虚荣的女人。I take a pragmatic approach to where I work and what I do.我对自己的工作地点和业务采取务实的态度。The Chief summoned me downstairs. He was brisk and businesslike.主管叫我到楼下。他做事干练、务实The project was driven by the most pragmatic considerations.该工程是从最务实的角度考虑推动实施的。




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