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词汇 加油
例句 He wasn't able to start the car because he had flooded the engine.由于他加油过多,引擎溢流,所以无法发动汽车。He snapped his lighter to see if it needed fuel.他啪啪地按打火机,看看是否需要加油Let's all give the girls a big hand.我们大家都给那些女孩热烈鼓掌加油吧。The pilots dropped down to refuel and report.飞行员们驾机降落,加油并提出报告。The bicycle chain needs oiling.自行车链条需要加油了。He would run up and down, shouting encouragement to the team.他会跑来跑去,为该队加油呐喊。When did you last put oil in the car?你最后一次是什么时候给车加油的?The cheerleaders did/led a cheer for the home team.啦啦队队员为主队唱起了加油歌。Stop at the next garage for a fill-up.在下一处加油站停车加油Come on, Graeme, get a grip on yourself.加油,格雷姆,把握住自己。The crowd was cheering and urging her on all through the race.在整个比赛中,人们一直在为她加油鼓劲儿。The British fans chanted that familiar football mantra: "Here we go, here we go, here we go..."人群反复高喊着那个熟悉的足球口号:“加油加油加油…”Up to now, everything is all right. More power to your elbow!到目前为止,一切都很好。加油做吧! The fans cheered for their team.球迷为他们的球队加油The driver stopped in the pits to refuel.车手在检修站停车加油The pay was enough to keep him in petrol.这笔钱足够他加油了。The machine won't function well if you don't oil it.你若不给机器加油,它就不能很好运转。People applauded and waved flags.人们鼓掌加油,并挥舞旗子。The World Cup kicks off tomorrow. Which team are you rooting for?世界杯足球赛明天开打。你为那一队加油We'd better fuel up at the next town.我们最好在下个小镇加油I'll be there to cheer you on when the race starts.比赛时我会到那儿给你加油He got a job pumping gas for the hotel guests.他得到一份为宾馆客人的汽车加油的工作。The train stopped to refuel at the midpoint between New York and Chicago.火车在纽约和芝加哥之间的中间站停车加油Supporters gave the team three resounding cheers.助阵的球迷们三次为球队大声呐喊加油The bus will stop briefly in Houston just to refuel.公共汽车将在休斯顿作短暂停留以便加油The idea of plugging your car into a recharger instead of driving to a petrol station is becoming more acceptable. 把车插入一个充电器而不是开到加油加油这样的想法已越来越被接受。A crowd gathered to watch the runners, clapping their hands and urging them on.人们聚在一起观看选手赛跑,为他们鼓掌加油Most will probably be cheering on their favourite players.多数人大概都会为自己喜欢的球员加油We stopped to gas the car.我们停车加油Every fighter was either fighting or gulping fuel for another go.战斗机不是在作战就是在赶紧加油准备再战。During high school he pumped gasoline to make some money.上中学时,他靠(在加油站)给车加油赚钱。These planes could be refueled in the air by tankers.这些飞机可在空中接受加油飞机的加油We stopped at a gas station to fill up.我们在一家加油站停下来加油The spectators cheered him wildly.观众拼命地为他加油She shouted herself hoarse, cheering on the team.她为球队加油把嗓子喊哑了。They always root for the home team.他们总是给主队加油The crowd cheered on the unknown Tunisian, hoping for a fairy-tale ending to the race.观众为那个并不出名的突尼斯人加油鼓劲,期待比赛有一个出人意料的结局。She pulled into a service station for petrol.她开进一个加油站停车加油As the runners went by, we cheered them on.赛跑者经过时,我们为他们呐喊加油The coach yelled to the runners to go it.教练吆喝要求赛跑运动员加油




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