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词汇 basil
例句 Pesto is made of basil leaves, parmesan cheese, pine nuts, and olive oil, all crushed together.香蒜酱是把罗勒叶、帕尔马奶酪、松仁和橄榄油混合捣碎制成的。You can use either fresh or dried basil for this recipe.在这个食谱中用新鲜的或者干的罗勒都可以。Add a few leaves of fresh basil to the salad.在色拉中加入一些新鲜的罗勒叶片。This dish is flavoured with basil and garlic.这道菜用了罗勒和大蒜调味。It's the basil that gives the sauce its essential character.正是罗勒香草使这调味料有了其最根本的风味。Thai basil is fast growing and wonderfully aromatic.泰国罗勒生长快,气味宜人。The sauce was redolent with the smell of basil.酱汁有很浓的罗勒香味。There's nothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomato sauce.在番茄沙司中无论加入什么都不如加一点儿新鲜的紫苏更能提味。Pinch out the tips of bushy herbs like basil to encourage the plants to thicken out.修剪罗勒等灌木药材使其生长得更加茂盛。You might try a little more basil in the sauce next time.下次你可以试着在调味汁里多加点罗勒。Flavour the dish with parsley and basil.用欧芹和罗勒给这道菜调味。He picked a leaf from the basil plant and started to chew it.他摘下一片罗勒叶子嚼了起来。




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