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词汇 加快速度
例句 I told the kids to pick/step up the pace. 我叮嘱孩子们加快速度We'd better get weaving - we've got a lot to do today.我们最好加快速度——今天还有很多事要做呢。He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somalia.他敦促各捐赠方加快速度将援助物资送往索马里。You'll have to speed up your rate of work if you want to finish by the agreed date.如果你要在约定日期前完成工作,你得加快速度As Simon was under orders to make haste, some days they covered thirty miles.由于西蒙接到命令要加快速度,有时他们一天会走上三十英里。If we hurry, we can still make it home before dark.如果我们加快速度,还能在天黑之前赶到家。If we want to finish on time, we're going to have to pick up the pace.要想按时完成任务,我们得加快速度了。The car speeded up when it reached the country.汽车一到乡间就加快速度You'll have to hustle if you're to get home for supper.你想赶回家吃晚饭的话,就得加快速度We'll have to quicken the pace if we want to keep up with him.我们要想赶上他的话就得加快速度Can the job be speeded up in some way?这项工作能不能有什么办法加快速度呢?Nancy, if you don't speed up we'll be here until midnight.南希,如果你再不加快速度,我们都得留在这儿直到半夜才能回家了。I'll phone the manager and get them to speed things up.我要给经理打电话让他们加快速度We are going to have to put the pedal to the metal if we want to finish on time.要想按时完成工作,我们必须加快速度The project had a slow start, but is now gathering pace.这个项目开始时进展缓慢,但现在正逐步加快速度




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