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词汇 剪头发
例句 You need a haircut.你需要剪头发了。One of her regulars came into the salon and asked for a haircut.她的一位老顾客走进发廊,让她给剪头发You look different. Have you had your hair cut?你看上去不一样了。剪头发了?There was one other style available and that was the pudding basin, for those people who had their hair done at home.对于那些在家里剪头发的人来说,还有另外一种发型可供选择,那就是锅盖头。Beth's at the salon having her hair cut.贝丝在发廊剪头发He went to the barber for a trim.他去理发店剪头发My girlfriend has been nagging at me to cut my hair.我女朋友总是不停地唠叨着让我去剪头发They wandered around the shopping precinct for an hour while Suzie was having her hair cut.在苏茜剪头发的时候,他们在购物区逛了一小时。You've had your hair cut, haven't you? I've just noticed.剪头发了是吧?我刚注意到。




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