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词汇 剧烈
例句 The fracture caused him intense pain.骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。Exchange rates are fluctuating wildly.汇率波动剧烈Within half an hour the excruciating pain had dulled to a background throb.半小时不到,剧烈的疼痛就减轻了,只有阵阵隐痛。The boat was tossed about violently.那艘船在水中剧烈摇摆。Harry has been enduring considerable back pain for a number of years.哈里多年来一直忍受着剧烈的背痛。The election was a dead heat. Nobody could predict the outcome.那场选举竞争剧烈,没有人能预测结果。They heard furious knocking coming from downstairs.他们听到楼下传来的剧烈的叩击声。The pain will be sharp but short.疼痛将很剧烈,但很快就会过去。I don't associate him with energetic sports.我不把他和剧烈的体育运动联系在一起。The ship shuddered as she struck the rocks.船身因触礁而突然剧烈颤动。The whole ship shuddered and trembled at the sudden strain.突然的拉力使得整只船剧烈颤动。Kao-hsiung city government's decision to tear down the fruit market met with virulent opposition from local citizens.高雄市政府要拆除果菜市场的决定遭到当地居民剧烈的反对。A violent altercation broke out between them.他们之间发生了剧烈的争论。His impaired foot pained him sharply.他那只受伤的脚使他感到剧烈的疼痛。The small boat tossed wildly on the high waves.小船在大浪中剧烈摇晃。The pain was growing in intensity.疼痛越来越剧烈Her chest started to heave as though she was about to cry.她的胸部剧烈起伏,仿佛要哭了。His body was jerking in quick spasms.他的身体在一阵接一阵地剧烈抽搐。He was then overcome by a terrible fit of coughing.接着他便控制不住地剧烈咳嗽了一阵。Keen competition in the arts, crafts and trade made the Greeks an inventive and resourceful people.在艺术、手工艺和贸易中的剧烈竞争使古希腊人富于创造性,善于变通。Graham began to cough violently.格雷厄姆开始剧烈咳嗽。The rivalry is often bitter, but he stays ahead.竞争常常是剧烈的,但他总是领先。A violent streak of pain ripped through her whole body.一阵剧烈的疼痛传遍了她的全身。Larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings.拉里开始出现严重的头痛和剧烈的情绪波动。You will probably be asked about whether you partake in very vigorous sports.你可能会被问到是否参加非常剧烈的体育运动。He felt the sharp sting of the soap in his eyes.他感到了肥皂对眼睛的剧烈刺痛。Ice hockey is a very physical sport.冰球是一项非常剧烈的运动。We heard heavy detonations.我们听到了剧烈的爆炸声。It's not a severe pain, more of a persistent niggle.疼痛并不剧烈,而是那种持续、轻微的疼痛。I was whisked into hospital with fierce abdominal pains.剧烈的腹痛,我被飞快地送进医院。A huge bomb blast rocked Jakarta last night.昨晚一次剧烈的炸弹爆炸震动了雅加达。The slight back and forth motion sent a pounding surge of pain into his skull.轻微的前后晃动让他的脑袋感到一阵剧烈的疼痛。The pain was bad beyond endurance.疼痛剧烈,令人难以忍受。A racking cough convulsed her whole body.一阵剧烈的咳嗽使她全身都剧烈抖动起来。Very vigorous exercise can increase the risk of heart attacks.运动太过剧烈会增大心脏病发作的风险。As the storm moves into the desert, the wind and rain start to kick up.当风暴移动到沙漠时,风雨开始变得更剧烈了。I was awakened with terrible cramps in my belly.一阵剧烈的腹痛把我痛醒了。The violent motion of the ship upset his stomach.船的剧烈摇晃使他的胃很不舒服。The pain was diabolical.疼痛异常剧烈Rhubarb leaves, either raw or cooked, can cause violent stomach pains or even death.大黄叶子,不管是生的还是煮熟了的,都会引起剧烈的腹痛,甚至会造成死亡。




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