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词汇 前行
例句 The aim of coasteering is to work your way along the coast by any means necessary.海岸攀岩运动的目标的是采用一切必要方式沿海岸前行The boat cut effortlessly through the water.船轻快地破水前行The bus was moving along at a crawl.公共汽车在缓慢前行We drove along a long stretch of coast. 我们沿着长长的海岸线驱车前行I headed out into the teeth of a westerly gale.我顶着最猛烈的西风前行The parents chivvied the children along.父母催促孩子们前行He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs.他在湿漉漉的草地上前行,裤腿都湿透了。They crossed the bridge and walked along the far side of the stream.他们过了桥,在对岸沿着小溪一路前行He entered the room and made his way with velvet tread.他进入房间,脚步轻柔地前行The punter moves the boat along with a pole.撑船人用篙撑着船前行The cars were purring along the highway.一路上,汽车轰鸣着前行We walked along in silence.我们静静地前行The bus lurched along/down the highway.公共汽车晃晃悠悠地沿路前行The actor walked by, not even deigning to acknowledge his fans.那位演员大步前行,甚至不屑跟他的粉丝们打个招呼。A hand on her back urged her forward.一只手在背后推着她前行The strange little convoy began a slow procession along the rows of warships.那支奇怪的小船队在成排战船的护卫下开始缓慢前行People on the tour will be escorted by an expert on archaeology.游客们将由一位考古学专家陪同前行They moved down the narrow crooked streets of the old town.他们沿着古镇上弯弯曲曲的狭窄街道前行A hot sun beat down on them as they trudged onward.他们拖着沉重的步子前行,炎热的太阳晒在他们身上。They watched the ship's slow progress through the heavy seas.他们看着那艘船在波涛汹涌的海上缓慢前行The bow of the ship cleaved the water.船头破浪前行The ship forged ahead through the thin ice.那艘船冲破薄冰前行I went along thinking of nothing in particular.我一路前行,没想什么特别的事。We rode along the bottom of the valley.我们开车沿着山谷底部前行I walked slowly, delighting in the crisp autumn air.我缓步前行,尽享凉爽的秋风。Veronica looked at him, smiling, as they bowled along.他们的车快速前行时,韦罗妮卡面带微笑地看着他。I considered turning back, but it was getting late, so I pressed on.我想往回走,但天色已晚,只好继续前行He progressed slowly along the coast in an easterly direction.他沿着海岸慢慢向东前行The ship forged ahead through heavy seas.轮船在波涛汹涌的海面上破浪前行He edged carefully along the narrow ledge.他小心地沿着狭窄的岩脊前行She fell to her knees, grovelling in the sawdust on the floor.她跪下来,在地板的木屑上匍匐前行They proceeded with cautiousness. 他们谨慎前行He sweated his horse by riding him too hard.他拼命策马前行,马都出汗了。We followed the tyre tracks across a muddy field.我们顺着一块泥泞的田地里的车辙前行Near the construction site, traffic had slowed to a crawl.来往的车辆在工地附近放缓速度慢慢前行The ship continued to hold its course.轮船继续按航线前行We braved the rain without our umbrellas.没有伞,我们冒雨前行By now the winter was fast approaching, and further travel would soon be inadvisable.这时候,冬天即将来临,很快就不宜继续前行了。We got there by driving slow all the way.我们一路上缓慢前行到达了那里。Tom did not hear the faint sound of the creature's wary advance.汤姆没有听见这个动物小心翼翼前行时所发出的微弱响声。




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