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例句 My heart was overflowing with gratitude.我心里充满了感激之情。Their faces were white, and their eyes were filled with terror.他们脸色惨白,眼中充满了恐惧。Theft is something that really disgusts me. It makes me feel hateful towards this whole wretched island.偷窃是让我深恶痛绝的事情,它让我对这整个该死的岛都充满仇视。His writing is filled with ethereal abstractions.他的文章充满了虚幻缥缈的东西。His life was one of pain and suffering.他的一生充满了苦难。Children need a caring and happy home life.儿童需要充满关爱和幸福的家庭生活。The palace was invested with glamour and romance.这座宫殿充满了魅力和浪漫气息。We had quite an eventful journey.我们的旅途充满了乐趣。He's got plenty of bounce.充满了活力。I greatly esteem your message in the midst of our hard struggle.您在我们奋力抗争时发来的电文让我充满了敬意。He looked at Katherine, his eyes full of sorrow.他看着凯瑟琳,眼里充满了忧伤。The air was filled with the overpowering stench of decomposing vegetation.空气中充满了令人难以忍受的腐烂植物的恶臭。His brain was smoked with hatred.他脑子里充满了仇恨。The big cities are full of allurements on which to spend money.大城市充满形形色色诱人花钱的事物。The recruiting advertisement of this company is full off gimmicky tricks. We'd better be careful.这家公司的征人广告中充满了华而不实的噱头,我们还是小心为上。Life at high school wasn't a bundle of laughs.中学生活并非充满欢声笑语。This is an ambitious and intriguing movie, full of striking imagery.这是一部气势恢宏、引人入胜的电影,充满了动人心魄的瑰丽意象。The room was filled with steam.房间里充满了雾气。The room was heady with the pungent aroma of perfumes.房间里充满了刺鼻的香水味。The world of politics is a world of deception and intrigue.政界是一个尔虞我诈、充满阴谋诡计的世界。Her eyes were burning with rage.她的眼中充满怒气。His house is tempested by female eloquence.他的屋子里充满了女人滔滔雄辩的喧哗。The castle was centuries old and full of atmosphere.那座城堡有数世纪的历史,充满了情调。The poem is full of images of birth and new life.诗中充满了新生和新生活的意象。A sibilant murmuring briefly pervaded the room.一时间房间里充满了窃窃私语声。Her face was very beautiful in its sweet and innocent childishness.她的脸很美,充满了可爱的天真与孩子气。America was seen as the land of opportunity.美国被认为是充满机会的国家。The afternoon was full of drama and excitement.这个下午充满惊喜,令人兴奋。You should see his eyes light up when he talks about home.他每每谈到家时,你会看到他眼中充满了喜悦。The team is brimful of confidence after their win last week.上个星期获胜以后,这支球队充满了信心。Mrs Hastings' eyes grow warmer and more appreciative with my every word.我讲的每句话让黑斯廷斯夫人的眼神变得越来越热情,越来越充满欣赏。Her novel is shot through with a haunting lyricism.她的小说充满了令人难忘的抒情描写。He walks a road filled with shadow and doubt.他的人生路上充满了阴影和怀疑。Grisham's new novel weaves a tale of mystery and suspense.格里森姆的新小说编造了一个极其神秘、充满悬念的故事。Her eyes filled with tears of rage and frustration.她眼里充满了愤怒和沮丧的泪水。The sports tournament will pulsate with the thrill of desperation.体育锦标赛会充满拼搏的紧张刺激感。I am completely energized and feeling terrific.充满了活力,感觉非常好。The balloon was kept fully inflated with hydrogen.气球里一直充满了氢气。Shrill protests about the new taxes filled the newspapers.报纸上充满了对新税表示强烈抗议的文字。This report is full of flaws.这个报告充满错谬。




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