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词汇 充沛
例句 If you're going into teaching, energy is a necessary commodity.如果你要干教师这一行,必须要有充沛的精力。You can judge how healthy you are by the amount of energy you have.可以通过精力的充沛程度来判断健康状况。His aims imply a good deal of energy.要达到他的目标需有充沛的精力。You have to be bursting with energy and health to do the top jobs, so they usually go to younger men.职位高的工作需要充沛的精力和健康的身体,所以一般是由年纪较轻的男性得到。Rainfall is more abundant in summer.夏季的雨量更加充沛Since I started eating more healthily I've got so much more energy.自从更加注意饮食健康以来,我精力愈发充沛了。They had a lot of pep, and weren't a bunch of mopes.他们精神充沛,不是一帮意气消沉的人。It's nice to see an old man still so full of life.真高兴看见精力依然如此充沛的老人。Another bountiful monsoon is under way, flooding the pores and cracks of a parched land.眼下又是一个雨量充沛的雨季,充沛的雨水淹没了干裂的土地。I admire her for her energy and can-do attitude.我对她充沛的精力和乐观进取的态度深表钦佩。He conducts the choir with great skill and emotion.他指挥合唱时技巧高超且感情充沛He is possessed of an extraordinary fund of energy.他的精力异常充沛He was a blood-and-thunder preacher.他是一个感情充沛的牧师。No, I'm not tired. Rather the opposite in fact.不,不累。恰恰相反,我感觉精力还很充沛The horse is in fine fettle and will surely win the race.这匹马体力充沛,在赛马中定会获胜。




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