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词汇 前沿
例句 Some of what is happening at Packard is cutting-edge medicine.正在帕卡德那里进行的某些研究属于前沿医学范畴。The research we're doing now is at/on the cutting edge of medical technology.我们现在所从事的研究属医学上的前沿领域。I try to stay on top of musical trends.我努力坚守在音乐流行潮流的前沿He was at the forefront of the pro-democracy campaign in the country.他活动在该国亲民主运动的前沿The poke of her black bonnet hid her face from him.她那黑色帽子的前沿遮住了她的脸,使他看不见。Microprocessor technology is in the vanguard of modern production techniques.微处理器技术处于现代生产技术的前沿I decided to go for a blow along the seafront before lunch.我决定在午饭前沿着海边吹吹风。He stayed at the top through all changes and fashions in pop music.在流行音乐的各种变化和各式潮流中他一直处于前沿Developments in computer chip design are at the cutting edge of the technological revolution.电脑芯片设计的开发走在了科技革命的前沿This is the leading edge of medical technology.这是医疗技术的前沿He's a director who tries to keep his films right on the cutting edge.他是一个力求使自己的电影居于前沿的导演。The exhibition is informative, up to date, and mercifully free of gimmicks.这个展览既能让人增长见识,又紧跟时代前沿,而且幸运的是没有华而不实的东西。We're pushing back the frontiers of technology.我们正在不断推进技术的前沿Sir James was an immensely distinguished architect in the vanguard of his profession.詹姆斯爵士是一位非常杰出的建筑师,处于其专业领域的前沿位置。




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