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词汇 表示同意
例句 The explicit consent of each employee is required.要求每位员工都明确表示同意They murmured in agreement.他们小声表示同意了。She gave a murmur of approval.她低声表示同意I confirm that the patient lacks capacity to give or withhold consent to this procedure or course of treatment.我确定,这位患者没有能力就这个步骤或疗程表示同意或拒绝。She suggested a walk in the open air and he readily agreed.她提议到户外散散步,他欣然表示同意They had refused to pay and relented only after being threatened with a lawsuit.他们曾拒不付款,直至迫于被起诉的压力才表示同意There was muted agreement from most of the people in the room.房间里大多数人都含蓄地表示同意The workers would applaud and give the thumbs-up sign of approval.工人们会拍手欢迎并翘起大拇指表示同意The chairperson expressed agreement with a slight nod.主席轻轻点头表示同意He agreed to our proposals.他对我们的建议表示同意Deirdre smiled her acquiescence.戴尔德丽微笑着表示同意He smiled, winked and nodded, giving his seal of approval.他笑了,使了个眼色,然后点点头表示同意She gave him a nod of approval.她向他点点头表示同意They agreed as to the grand outlines, but quibbled over particulars.他们对重大要点表示同意,但对细节却闪烁其词。The general proposed a detailed plan and the President assented.将军提出一个详尽计划,总统表示同意They agreed with the greatest willingness.他们由衷地表示同意Conveniently overlooking the fact that she wouldn't be able to meet the commitment, she agreed.她不顾自己无力兑现承诺的事实,表示同意Jules expressed his concurrence with the suggestion.朱尔斯表示同意这个建议。The suggestion was greeted with a murmur of assent.这个建议只有人小声表示同意He grunted in agreement.他嘟哝一声表示同意The President agreed, adding that he hoped for a peaceful solution.总统表示同意,并补充说他希望和平解决。He mumbled something which I translated as agreement.他嘴里咕哝了句什么,我想是表示同意She blushed her consent.她红著脸表示同意She smiled in assent.她微笑着表示同意The manager agreed, but first he cabled home for permission.经理表示同意,但首先他发电回去请求允准。Francis smiled agreement, irritated by the obviousness of his answer.弗朗西斯微笑着表示同意,但又为自己的答案这么明显而感到懊恼。He agreed to it.他对此表示同意




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