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Movies, shows, do you get a lot of that kinda thing?电影、演出之类你看得很多吗? I'd kinda like to have a sheep farm in New Mexico.我有点儿想在新墨西哥州开一个牧羊场。He looked kinda cool but kinda young.他看上去有点酷但也有点嫩。Believe me, he is not the kinda boy to idle away his time.相信我,他不是那种游手好闲的男孩子。He's kinda nice.他挺好的。What d'you mean, what kinda help?你说什么,是什么样的帮助?I kinda hoped we'd be able to meet up some time this week.我真希望这个星期的某个时候我们还能见著面。Thank you, my friend, you kinda saved my life.谢谢你,朋友,可以说是你救了我的命。I'd kinda like to have a sheep farm.我很想拥有一个牧羊场。I was kinda sorry to see him go.看到他走了我有点难过。 |