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词汇 kin
例句 He is no kin to me.他与我没有亲属关系。People here were kin to poverty.这里的人过去相当贫穷。We'll have to notify the next of kin of his death.我们得把他去世的消息通知他最近的亲属。You are of kin in heart to these people.你的感情跟这些人相似。It's good to see kin people again.亲人重逢真叫人高兴。We have notified the next of kin.我们已经通知了最近的亲属。They invited all their kith and kin to their new home.他们邀请了所有亲戚朋友到他们的新家做客。The police will not release the dead man's name until his next of kin have been informed.警方在通知到死者的至亲之前是不会透露他的名字的。The college need to know your next of kin in case something happens to you.学校得知道你最近的亲属是谁,万一你有什么事情就通知他。Your next of kin will receive death benefit if you die in an accident.意外死亡者的近亲会得到死亡保险金。Marriage between close kin is prohibited.禁止近亲结婚。One of the drivers was fatally injured; his next of kin has been informed.其中一名驾驶员受了致命伤,已通知其至亲。She has gone to live with her husband's kin.她住到丈夫的亲戚家里去了。We have notified their next of kin.我们已经通知了他最近的亲属。We cannot release the names of the soldiers who were killed until we have informed their next of kin.遇害士兵的姓名要待我们通知其直系亲属之后才能公布。The thing is, Bonnie's only agreed to see you because she thinks you're kin to this Barney guy.其实,邦妮只是因为觉得你跟这位叫巴尼的家伙沾亲带故才同意见你的。They are her distant kin.他们是她的远房亲戚。All her property goes to her next of kin.她的财产全部归她最近的亲属所有。We can't release his name until we have informed his next of kin.在通知他的直系亲属前,我们不能透露他的名字。I've put my mother down as next of kin on the form.我在表格的直系亲属栏填了我母亲。Your cousin is also kin to me.你的堂兄也是我的亲戚。Are you any kin to him? 你和他是亲戚吗?We notified his next of kin of his death.我们将他的死讯告知了他的亲属。Ties with extended kin vary from family to family.与大家庭成员的关系因家庭而异。




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