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词汇 踪影
例句 Danny lost sight of the muggers when they ran into a shopping centre.这些行凶抢劫者跑进购物中心后,丹尼就找不到他们的踪影了。The car shot ahead and was soon out of sight.汽车飞速向前,很快就消失了踪影The car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did not falter or slow down.汽车片刻间便转弯不见了踪影,但发动机平稳运行,速度也丝毫未减。He scanned the horizon, but there was no sign of the ship.他仔细眺望着地平线,但是看不见那艘船的踪影Her father was nowhere in sight.她的父亲没了踪影The taxi driver was still nowhere in sight.出租车司机还是毫无踪影I waited for two hours but there was still no sign of her.我等了两个小时还是不见她的踪影The London train was on time, but there was no sign of my Finnish friend.伦敦的火车准点到达,却不见我那芬兰朋友的踪影The car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did not falter or slow down.汽车片刻间便转弯不见了踪影,但动力丝毫未减。The bowlers at the eye of the storm were nowhere in evidence.处于风口浪尖的那些投手不见了踪影The captain scanned the horizon for any sign of other vessels.船长仔细眺望海天相接处看是否有其他船只的踪影There's no sign of her.不见她的踪影He sank down out of sight behind the bush.他在树丛后面蹲下,不见了踪影Land was still out of sight beyond the horizon.天际之外仍然看不见陆地的踪影I turned around and she had simply vanished.我转过身时她已经没了踪影The day dragged on, and there was still no sign of Jake.那天的时间在慢慢过去,仍然没有杰克的踪影There was no trace of the robbers.根本没有劫匪的踪影The murderer remained frustratingly elusive.凶手仍然踪影难觅,让人沮丧。He always evaporated by Monday morning.在星期一早晨前总是不见他的踪影She pondered the mystery of the disappearing thief.她反复琢磨为什么那个窃贼踪影全无。I tracked the boy as far as the factory, but there his trail went cold.我追踪那名男孩一直到工厂,但他已踪影全无。Nealy disappeared two days ago, several miles away from any of the fighting.尼利两天前失踪了,所有战斗地点周围几英里内都不见他的踪影He disappeared at the first sign of trouble.一有麻烦的苗头他就不见了踪影




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