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词汇 削弱了
例句 Violent conflicts between tribes have shaken the region.部落之间的暴力冲突削弱了该地区的实力。His critics say his fumbling of the issue of reform has eroded his authority.批评家们说他在改革问题上的蹩脚做法已经削弱了他的权威。The king's power was clipped.国王的权力被削弱了The Act was responsible for the reduction of trade union power.正是该法案削弱了工会的权力。His fumbling of the issue has eroded his authority.他对这一问题的蹩脚处理已经削弱了他的权威。The report concluded that business pressure on the government had muffled the impact of the legislation.报告得出结论,企业对政府的压力已削弱了立法的影响。The city's defences had been weakened by enemy shelling.敌人的炮轰削弱了这座城市的防御力量。He has closed opposition newspapers and emasculated the courts.他已经把敌对报纸关闭了,从而削弱了王室的势力。Criticism just undermines their confidence.批评只是削弱了他们的信心。Listening to the speech through an interpreter lessened its impact somewhat.演讲经过翻译之口听起来或多或少削弱了其本身的影响力。The biographer believes that flaws in Kennedy's character weakened his leadership of the nation.这位传记作家相信肯尼迪性格上的缺点削弱了他对国家的领导。Australia's rugby union team for the return clash with New Zealand is weakened by injury.将再次和新西兰队交手的澳大利亚业余英式橄榄球队由于球员受伤实力削弱了The team has been weakened by illness and injury.伤病削弱了球队的实力。Rising unemployment has diminished the bargaining power of people with jobs.失业率的不断上升削弱了在职人员与雇主讨价还价的能力。The inflation drained purchasing power.通货膨胀削弱了购买力。Repeated exam failure had eroded her confidence.考试屡屡不及格削弱了她的自信心。The authority of his voice is undermined by the smallness of his build.瘦小的身形削弱了他声音中的权威感。Changes in policy have weakened the power of the trade unions.政策的变化削弱了工会的力量。Carter had seen his support dwindling in the southern states.卡特看到他在南方诸州的支持力量削弱了His illness diminished his strength.疾病削弱了他的体力。The economy has been weakened by the appropriation of the country's resources by corrupt officials.经济被那些侵占国家资源为己所用的贪官们削弱了At last the power of the church was finally broken.最后,教会的权力终于削弱了High taxation rates have undermined work incentives.高税率削弱了工作激励措施的作用。We wore down their opposition after several hours' argument.争辩了几个小时之后我们削弱了他们的异议。The changes in share values have damaged investor confidence.股价的变动削弱了投资者的信心。This had weakened his hold on power.此举削弱了他手中的权力。The country's economy has been debilitated by years of civil war.国家的经济被多年的内战削弱了These kinds of contradictions weaken your argument.这些矛盾削弱了你的论据。The bill has been emasculated by Congress.国会削弱了这个法案的效力。Her position as national leader has been weakened by persistent fears of another coup attempt.由于人们一直担心会再次发生政变,她的国家领导人地位被削弱了The absence of this witness has weakened the case against the accused.这位证人的缺席削弱了对被告的指控力度。The Bundesbank's seemingly impregnable position has begun to weaken.德意志联邦银行看似不可撼动的地位开始削弱了The hiring of the new CEO diluted the power of the company's president.新首席执行官的聘用削弱了公司总裁的权力。Napoleon's army was weakened and the British, for their part, were eager to attack.拿破仑的军队被削弱了,而就英国方面而言,他们正急切地要发起进攻。The economy has been weakened by corrupt officials who have appropriated the country's resources for their own use.经济被那些侵占国家资源为己所用的贪官们削弱了The harshness of the book's subject is softened by a certain lyricism in the writing.抒情的语言在一定程度上削弱了这本书主题的严肃性。Proposed legislation affecting bankers has been watered down.拟议中会损害银行家利益的法规已经被削弱了Fatigue impaired their judgment.疲劳削弱了他们的判断力。Over the last two years the president's position has weakened.过去两年来,总统的地位被削弱了This process of centralization further reduces accountability.这一中央集权化过程进一步削弱了责任意识。




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