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词汇 刺骨
例句 An icy wind blew into my face, making my eyes water.刺骨的寒风迎面吹来,吹得我两眼流泪。The bitter wind sapped the climber's remaining strength.刺骨的寒风耗尽了爬山者最后的一点力气。An icy wind blew hard across the open spaces.刺骨的寒风于开阔处呼啸着。A biting wind blew down from the hills.山上吹来刺骨的寒风。The marble floor was beginning to chill me.大理石地板开始让我觉得寒意刺骨We stood shivering in the icy wind.我们站在刺骨的寒风中,浑身直哆嗦。Fans braved icy winds to watch the match.球迷们顶着刺骨的寒风观看比赛。Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday.周四,南极气流给智利南部带来了刺骨的严寒。Sally stepped gingerly into the icy water.萨莉小心翼翼地走进冰冷刺骨的水中。The shelter offers some protection from the icy winds.避风处对于刺骨的寒风能起些许抵挡作用。We shivered in the piercing wind.我们在刺骨的寒风中瑟瑟发抖。She could still feel the chill penetrating her bones.她还能感觉到那种刺骨的寒冷。The bleak winter wind made him shiver.冬天刺骨的寒风使他哆嗦。Warm waters take the sting out of winter winds.温暖的海水使冬天的寒风变得不再刺骨His voice tailed away in the bitter cold air.他的声音在刺骨的寒风中越来越微弱。The boulder sheltered them from the chilling wind.那块巨石为他们遮挡住刺骨的寒风。It was a bitterly cold winter.那是个严寒刺骨的冬天。You will be chilled to the bone without your overcoat.要是不穿大衣你会感到寒气刺骨The marchers hunched themselves against the biting wind.面对刺骨的寒风,游行的人们弓起身子。I was chilled to the bone/marrow. 我感到寒气刺骨The wind stings, the cold bites.寒风凛冽,严寒刺骨Outside, a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.外面,刺骨的东风伴着阵阵小雪。The water was freezing and he was forced to return to the beach.水冰冷刺骨,他被迫回到海滩。I'm frozen to the bone out here.我在外边感到刺骨的寒冷。The weather in Harbin is bitter during the winter.哈尔滨的冬天严寒刺骨She had bundled herself up well to protect herself from the stinging cold.她裹得严严实实,以抵御刺骨的寒冷。There was a bite in the air, a smell perhaps of snow.寒气刺骨,似乎有雪的气息。The water was ice cold and my hands were completely blue.水冰冷刺骨,我的双手全冻青了。A bitter wind was blowing from the north.刺骨的寒风从北边吹来。The icy coldness of the water revived her.刺骨的寒冷使她苏醒过来。Mick turned his collar up against the biting winds.米克竖起衣领抵挡刺骨的寒风。The icy wind never let up for a moment.刺骨的寒风一刻不停地刮着。The snowbank at the side of the road provided a shelter from the piercing wind.路边的雪墙挡住了刺骨的寒风。His cheeks were stinging from the icy wind.刺骨的寒风吹得他脸颊生疼。A freezing wind bit at her exposed legs, and she huddled closer to the fire.刺骨的寒风吹在她裸露的双腿上犹如刀割一般,她蜷缩着身子向火边靠得更近了。The wind drove the stinging sleet into her eyes, mouth and nose.风将刺骨的冻雨刮进了她的眼睛、嘴巴、鼻子里。He gasped as the freezing water hit his body.当冰冷刺骨的水袭向他的身体时,他倒抽了一口凉气。




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