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词汇 投票权
例句 And of course we didn't even have the vote, did we?.当然了,我们连投票权都没有,不是吗?There are plans to encourage people to exercise their right to vote.有计划鼓励人们行使投票权Women all over the world fought long and hard for the right to vote.世界各地的女性为争取投票权进行了长期而艰苦的斗争。People with disabilities have got a vote as well, you know.你知道,残疾人士也拥有投票权The right to vote was limited to heads of households and married women.只有一家之长和已婚妇女才拥有投票权Hundreds of people lost their lives in the past fighting for the right to vote.在过去争取投票权的斗争中,数百人失去了生命。Each member of the club has equal voting power.俱乐部每个成员都有平等的投票权Civil rights include freedom, equality in law and in employment, and the right to vote.公民权包括法律上和就业上的自由、平等以及投票权Using her influence with her husband, Evita Peron won women the right to vote.埃维塔·贝隆运用对丈夫的影响力,为女性争取到了投票权The constitution was amended in 1920 to give women the right to vote.美国宪法于一九二零年修订,赋予妇女投票权The Prime Minister appealed to young people to use their vote.首相呼吁年轻人行使他们的投票权People without the right to vote were often able to make their feelings known through demonstrations or riots.没有投票权的人常常通过游行示威或暴乱来表达自己的感受。It is a travesty and a tragedy that so many people would be denied the right to vote.这么多人将被剥夺投票权。这是一种讽刺,也是一场悲剧。The secretary is allowed to attend meetings, but does not have a vote.秘书可以参加会议,但是没有投票权Register now and don't lose your right to vote.现在就登记,别失去你的投票权During these years, suffrage demands by women became increasingly vocal.那些年,女性要求获得投票权的呼声越来越高。Florida is one of seven states that disenfranchises ex-felons.佛罗里达州是剥夺有重罪前科者投票权的七个州之一。




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