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词汇 投票赞成
例句 Many voted for the repeal of that property law.许多人投票赞成废止那项财产法。They voted to withhold funds from any organization which didn't sign the agreement.他们投票赞成扣押未在协议上签字的所有组织的资金。Most people voted for school reform. = Most people voted in favor of school reform.大多数人投票赞成学校改革。The students voted to continue the strike.学生们投票赞成继续罢课。A majority voted for fully independent status for the region.大多数人投票赞成该地区完全独立。Senator Smith worked on the other committee members to vote for the bill.参议员史密斯游说其他委员投票赞成这项提案。Policyholders voted for demutualisation.投保人投票赞成保险公司非互助化。Six countries voted for the change, five voted against, and two abstained.六个国家投票赞成变革,五个国家反对,两个国家弃权。The meeting voted overwhelmingly in favour of the proposal.会议以压倒多数投票赞成这项提案。The vast majority of people voted in favour of closer links with Europe.大部分民众投票赞成与欧洲保持更密切的联系。The residents of Leningrad voted to restore the city's original name of St Petersburg.列宁格勒的居民投票赞成恢复该市原来的名字圣彼得堡。Another union has voted for industrial action in support of a pay claim.另一个工会已经投票赞成采取要求加薪的劳工行动。Only a minority of the class voted for the plan.班里只有少数学生投票赞成这项计划。The town council voted for an abridgement of the mayor's power.市议会投票赞成限制市长的权力。They won't get people to vote for those played-out old policies.人们是不会投票赞成那些过时的旧政策的。The bulk of the railroad workers voted to go back to work.大多数铁路工人投票赞成恢复工作。The union voted for industrial action.工会投票赞成劳工行动。Staff balloted for strike action yesterday.昨天员工投票赞成罢工行动。She claimed she had been intimidated into voting for acquittal.她宣称遭到恐吓而被迫投票赞成无罪判决。Several jurors voted for acquittal.几位陪审员投票赞成无罪。They voted unanimously to amend the constitution.他们一致投票赞成修订宪法。Only a minority of union members voted in favour of continuing the strike.工会成员中只有少数投票赞成继续罢工。




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