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词汇 buttons
例句 She seemed to push all the right buttons.她好像步步正确,一路顺利。A kung fu suit should be loose-fitting, with buttons and a high collar.功夫服应该做得宽松,带扣子,有高领。I accidentally pulled one of the buttons off my shirt.我一不小心扯掉了衬衣上的一颗纽扣。Movies shouldn't be afraid to push a few buttons.电影不应该避讳触动人们的某些情感。She jabbed at the elevator buttons.她猛地按下电梯按钮。His belly strained against the buttons of the shirt.他的肚子把衬衫的纽扣绷得紧紧的。Are you supposed to press these two buttons at the same time?这两个按钮是否应该同时按下?The antique buttons are very valuable, and we sell them for £100 and upwards.这些古董纽扣非常值钱,我们卖一百英镑或以上。He quickly punched the buttons on his telephone.他快速按着电话按键。There are back and forward buttons for easier browser navigation.前进键和后退键的设置使得浏览器导航更加便捷。Would you do up these buttons for me? I seem to be all thumbs today.帮我扣上这些纽扣好吗?今天我感觉自己笨手笨脚的。These old-fashioned trousers do up with buttons.这种老式裤子是用扣子扣住的。He stretched, and one of his shirt buttons pinged across the room.他刚一伸腰,衬衫的一颗纽扣就砰的一声飞到房间的另一头去了。Elasticated at the back, they fasten with buttons at the front.由于背面有松紧带,衣服是用纽扣从正面扣上的。His metal buttons glittered in the sunlight.他的金属纽扣在阳光下闪闪发光。Sam, make sure Nina buttons up her jacket.萨姆,要让妮娜把外套扣好。You have to know how to push all the right buttons if you want to be a successful diplomat.如果你想成为一个成功的外交官,你必须懂得如何抓住要害得到你想要的东西。This dress buttons at the back.这件衣服是背上扣扣的。The child can see the one-to-one correspondence of the buttons and buttonholes.这个孩子能看出纽扣和扣眼之间一一对应的关系。The skirt buttons on the side.这条裙子的扣子钉在侧面。Buchanan pushed all the right buttons, appealing to Maher's loyalty and to his guilt.布坎南通过激发马厄的忠心和负罪感得到了他想要的东西。The lock and unlock buttons are microscopically small and not intuitive.锁定按钮和解锁按钮都极为微小,而且隐蔽。She sewed the buttons on with cotton.她用棉线把钮扣缝上。Spools and buttons were the child's makeshifts for toys.线轴和钮扣权充孩子的玩具。The only flaw is the slightly slow response times when you press the buttons.唯一瑕疵是按下按钮时,响应时间略微长了点。She picked at the buttons on her jacket while waiting for her interview.等待面试的时候,她揪弄着夹克衫上的纽扣。One of the buttons popped off my sweater.我毛衣上的一颗纽扣突然崩掉了。I did my buttons up all on my own, Dad .爸爸,我的纽扣全是我自己扣上的。The coach knows how to push all the right buttons to get his players ready for the game.教练知道如何恰当地让队员们为比赛做好准备。I undid the bottom two buttons of my yellow and grey shirt.我解开了自己黄灰相间的衬衫上最下面的两个纽扣。She kept pressing the buttons on the remote control doodad.她不停按着那个遥控东西上的按钮。One of my buttons has come off.我的一粒纽扣掉了。The coat was too tight, and the buttons pulled on the threads that hold them.这外衣太紧,纽扣都把缝扣线绷得紧紧的。Can you do these buttons up for me? I'm all fingers and thumbs.你能替我扣上这些纽扣吗?我的手指很笨拙。Even though they're both adults now, Rita's brother still knows how to push her buttons. 尽管他们俩都已经长大成人,丽塔的哥哥还是能惹她生气。One of his shirt buttons was missing.他的衬衫上少了一颗扣子。The film is considered very controversial for all the hot buttons it pushes.这部电影呈现出的所有热点话题都让其颇受争议。He really knows how to push Dad's buttons.他最拿手的就是把爸爸激怒。The candidates all distributed campaign buttons and bumper stickers.所有的候选人都在分发竞选徽章和保险杠贴纸。My fingers were so cold that I couldn't undo the buttons.我手指冻得解不开纽扣了。




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