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词汇 不幸
例句 These events have reconciled me to the tragedy of life.这些事件已使我接受了生活的不幸They were unlucky enough to be caught in the storm.他们不幸遇到了暴风雨。There are many who have suffered personal disasters but managed to rebuild their lives.有许多人遭受过个人不幸,但仍重建了自己的生活。The drug is usually effective but unfortunately the side effects are not always predictable.那种药物通常是有效的,但不幸的是其副作用不一定能够预测出来。She felt that she was entrapped in an unhappy marriage.她觉得自己陷入了不幸的婚姻之中。The sad fact is that so much of the ill-being caused is unnecessary.令人遗憾的是,这么大的不幸实在不是不可避免的。If by some mischance the government get elected again, I think taxes will rise.如果不幸这届政府再次当选,我想税收会增加。Divorce is hard on children, but they have to accept it.离婚对于孩子来说是不幸的,但是他们又不得不接受。Unfortunately Carter's research has no practical use.不幸的是,卡特的研究毫无实际用途。Unfortunately the animals are often caught in fishing nets.不幸的是,这些动物经常被渔网套住。Unfortunately, in interviews he comes across as being rather inarticulate.不幸的是,他在面试中碰巧表现得相当不善言辞。After the final game there was a moving tribute to one of the players, who died tragically during the season.最后一场比赛结束后举行了一个感人的纪念活动,以对本赛季中不幸死亡的一位球员表示敬意。Unfortunately, my application for a grant was rejected.不幸的是,我的资助申请被拒了。It was just a tragic accident.它只是场不幸的事故。Unfortunately, he was singing out of tune.不幸的是,他唱得走调了。They discorded and he blamed her for all the evil that befell him.他们吵了一架,他把自己所遭受的不幸都归咎于她。I had a sense of relief as I turned my back on the disasters of my first marriage.当我抛开第一次婚姻的不幸以后,有一种如释重负的感觉。The child's misery tore my heart.那小孩的不幸使我心碎。Our hearts bleed for that unfortunate woman.我们由衷地同情那个不幸的女人。She knew all/only too well what the punishment would be.不幸的是,她十分清楚会有怎样的惩罚。He never discussed the unhappiness of his past life.他从来不谈论以前生活的不幸Unfortunately it was sent second-class, so it hasn't arrived yet.不幸的是,它是作为二类邮件邮寄的,所以至今还没有寄到。Jane used to gloat over other people's misfortunes.简以前喜欢对别人的不幸幸灾乐祸。His lack of discernment led to his disastrous choice of business partners.他缺乏眼力,因此不幸选错了商业伙伴The recent tragic death was a glaring testament to the inept or contemptuous attitude of the government.近期的人员不幸死亡是该政府不当或轻蔑态度的醒目佐证。Children who leave school unable to read and write are being tragically shortchanged.那些没学会读书写字就离开学校的孩子是不幸的,他们没有受到应有的教育。We have had no luck finding accommodation.不幸的是,我们没能找到容身之处。I shall never forget his roar of anguish on hearing the terrible news.我永远也忘不了他听到这个不幸消息时发出的痛苦叫声。Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.不幸能考验朋友的诚意。She was stuck in an awful marriage.她陷在一桩不幸的婚姻中。Tragedy is a type of literature that involves death, suffering or disaster.悲剧作品是文学的一种,内容常涉及死亡,不幸和灾难。He had seen much unhappiness in his life.他一生遭受了许多不幸These misfortunes almost deprived him of his reason.这些不幸的事情几乎使他失去理智。He is a tragic victim of destiny.他是命运的不幸牺牲品。Their deaths were tragic and untimely.他们不幸英年早逝。He talked openly about the misery of his marriage.他坦率地说起他不幸的婚姻。Unfortunately she had married an incurable drunkard.不幸的是,她嫁了个不可救药的醉鬼。We were unlucky to lose in overtime.我们不幸在加时赛中失利。Her sufferings wrung my heart.她的不幸令我非常心痛。I was unfortunately delayed.不幸被耽搁了。




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