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词汇 德国人
例句 The Norwegian was doubling against us for the Germans.那个挪威人给德国人当双重间谍来对付我们。While Haig and Foch argued, the Germans attacked.黑格和福克正在争论时,德国人发起了进攻。The quiet German starts to rage when bumped off the last flight back to Berlin.被最后一趟飞回柏林的航班拒绝登机后,这个沉默的德国人开始勃然大怒。We have a group of Germans staying at the hotel.我们宾馆住了一群德国人We learnt fast that there was no future in hanging around British, Swedish, or German boats. No pickings there.我们很快就意识到在英国人、瑞典人和德国人的船上闲荡是徒劳的。那里没有什么好处可捞。Konrad was getting the razz in school about being German.康拉德在求学时因自己是个德国人而不断受到嘲弄。The group were informers, and they betrayed the plan to the Germans.这帮人是告密者,他们把计划泄露给了德国人At the end of the day it's up to the Germans to decide.最终得由德国人来作决定。He was born of German parents.他的父母是德国人For the most part the Germans kept out of local disputes.德国人通常不卷入地区冲突。They did not have even an approximate idea of what the Germans really wanted.他们完全不知道德国人真正想要什么。The Germans, as a nation, are often thought to be well organized.作为一个民族,德国人常常被认为很有组织纪律性。German-Americans and other hyphenated Americans归化入美国籍的德国人和其他国人There was sweat pouring over her Teutonic face.汗水顺着她那张典型的德国人的脸往下淌。He was born of German parents and lived most of his life abroad.他的父母都是德国人,但他一生中大部分时间在国外度过。My father did leave his university to fight the Germans.我父亲确实离开了大学去和德国人打仗了。We were cursing the Germans, and now we are buddying with them.过去我们诅咒德国人,现在我们却和他们做朋友。Environmentally-conscious Germans are worried about the pollution the car produces.关注环境的德国人对汽车造成的污染十分担心。Germans worry that their economy is going down the plughole.德国人担心他们的经济会滑入深渊。But if I can interrupt, Joe, I don't think anybody here is personally blaming the Germans.但是请允许我打断一下,乔,我认为在场的任何人都没有谴责德国人的意思。The Germans balled themselves into one tight fist.德国人抱作一团,形成一个握紧的拳头。The students here are mostly Swiss and German, but sometimes we get a few Japanese, too.这里的学生大部分是瑞士人和德国人,但有时我们也有几个日本人。The Japanese, Americans, and even the French and Germans, judge economic policies by results.日本人、美国人,甚至法国人和德国人,都依据结果来评判经济政策的好坏。The port had been attacked by German dive bombers for the past five days.在过去的五天里,德国人的俯冲轰炸机一直在对该港口实施轰炸。They did not have even an approximate idea what the Germans really wanted.他们完全不清楚德国人真正想要什么。The collapse of the Iron Curtain had immediate impact on the lives of everyone in Germany.铁幕的崩溃对每个德国人的生活都产生了直接的影响。The Germans never won Leningrad.德国人始终没能攻占列宁格勒。He has managed to find a response to each new political development that chimes in with most Germans' instinct.他终于在针对每场新的政治变革的反应中发现了与大多数德国人的本能反应相吻合的一种。By and large the Poles and Germans of the city had shown that they could rub along together.总的来说,城里的波兰人和德国人能友好相处。That argument apart, it is for the Germans themselves to work out how their forces should come together.撇开那场纷争不谈,德国人自己也应该考虑一下如何将各种力量拧成一股绳。They went ahead without waiting for a reply from the Germans.他们没等德国人答复就接着往下推进。The Mayor of West Berlin described the Germans as the happiest people in the world.西柏林市长称德国人是世界上最幸福的人。The German advance had pressed them back.德国人的挺进迫使他们后撤。His campaign seems to have caught the imagination of many other Germans.他的竞选活动好像已经吸引了许多其他德国人Their German peers had a more developed sense of citizenship.和他们同龄的德国人有着更强烈的公民归属感。It is not a consoling thought to Germans to see that Americans have the same kind of problem, too.看到美国人也碰到了同样的问题,德国人并不会感到安慰。




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