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例句 Plato draws all the strands of the argument together.柏拉图把各个论点归结到一起She was involved with some sleazebag.她和某个可鄙之人牵扯到一起Seminars provide an opportunity for students to come together and discuss a particular topic.讨论会给学生们提供了一个聚到一起讨论某一题目的机会。I saw a terrible smashup on my way to school.我在去学校的路上看到一起可怕的汽车相撞事故。Companies will come together because of the sheer costs involved in globalizing their businesses.商业全球化需要的高额成本将使各家公司走到一起He was piecing together torn fragments of a letter.他在把撕成碎片的信拼到一起The two groups found it difficult to integrate.这两个团体发现它们难以合并到一起Moving in together was a mistake, and things rapidly went downhill.到一起住是个错误,关系急转直下。He gathered the men together, then ordered them to lie down at gunpoint.他用枪威胁着这些人集拢到一起并命令他们趴下。He had sought work as a cowboy, rounding up cattle.他找了一份放牛的差事,负责把牛赶到一起People came from near and far.人们从四面八方聚到一起She was extremely thin, with thighs that never rub together.她非常瘦,两条大腿从来碰不到一起Place the pieces together and make sure the edges are square.把这几件东西放到一起,确保各边平正。People of different occupations were thrown together for the jury.不同职业的人们聚到一起组成陪审团。After lunch, the class reassembled.午饭后,全班再次集中到一起Philip and I pooled our savings to start up my business.我和菲利普把积蓄凑到一起开办了我的公司。As for the idea of going on holiday together, forget it!到一起去度假这个想法,那是不可能的!His dog Nell started to round up the sheep.他的狗内尔开始把羊群赶到一起It's funny that you should say that—I was just thinking the same thing myself.真奇怪,你会这么说正和我想到一起了。The man signalled for me to gather the children together.那个男子示意我把孩子们聚集到一起Did my homework get mixed up with your papers?我的作业是不是和你的文件混到一起了?We're going to get the two sides together to see if they can't settle their differences.我们打算把双方召集到一起看他们是否能解决分歧。The inspectors watched a growing mob of demonstrators gathering.督察们看见越来越多愤怒的示威者聚集到一起The letter was a mishmash of ill-fitting proposals taken from two different reform plans.这封信将摘自两个不同改革计划中不合适的建议混到一起We need to iron a few things out before we move in together.我们需要先解决几项事情再搬到一起住。The fat and flour are rubbed together with the fingertips as for pastry.像做油酥面团那样用指尖把脂油和面粉揉搓到一起He's planning to move in with his girlfriend.他正计划和女朋友搬到一起住。She pushed the two bookcases together until they touched/were touching.她把两个书柜推到一起People would gather from near and far.人们会从四面八方聚到一起They're going house to house, rounding up the residents.他们正挨家挨户将居民集中到一起There are reports that round ups of westerners are still taking place.据报道,强行将西方人驱集到一起的事件仍在发生。The cowboys rounded the cattle up.牛仔们将牛赶到一起He was hopeful that by sitting together they could both see sense and live as good neighbours.他希望他们坐到一起,彼此能清醒理智,和睦为邻。Last I heard, they'd moved in together and were living in sin.我听到的最新消息是,他们已经搬到一起同居了。It was difficult to square this behaviour with his religious beliefs.很难把这种行为与他的宗教信仰联系到一起She says the patrolmen rounded them up at the village school and beat them with rifle butts.她说巡警在村里的学校把她们赶到一起,并用枪托殴打她们。We hope the difficulty can be solved by getting the two sides together to discuss the issues.我们希望把双方召到一起共同讨论能解决问题。It was a chance in a million that brought us together.我们能聚到一起,真是千载难逢的机会。They believed it was their destiny to be together.他们认为是命运使他们走到一起The event was unique in bringing together politicians, business leaders, and academics.这个活动使政治家、商界领袖和学者聚集到一起,实属难得。




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