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例句 When he first joined the company he was very quiet but now he's come out of his shell a lot.他才进公司的时候非常文静,但是现在大方活跃多了。Jake was slow to learn to read, but now he's coming on in leaps and bounds.杰克以前学习阅读很迟钝,但现在进步非常迅速。She used to like him but now she's gone off him completely.她曾经喜欢过他,但是现在好感全无。He promised he'd help me paint the living room, but now he's trying to wriggle out of it.他答应过会帮我粉刷客厅,但现在又想躲开。He was always a little strange, but now he's completely lost it.他一直都有点奇怪,但现在是彻底疯了。He was once a great player, but now he's just a shadow of his former self.他曾经是一名伟大的运动员,但现在往日的辉煌已经荡然无存了。When the children were small we never had much money, but now we seem to be comfortably off.孩子们还小的时候我们一直没什么钱,但现在好像宽裕起来了。It was great to begin with but now it's difficult.一开始非常好,但现在可就难了。She told me not to repeat it, but now I don't suppose it matters.她曾告诉我不要再重蹈覆辙,但这下我认为已经无关紧要了。I was always the poor one, but now the boot is on the other foot.我过去一直很穷,但是今非昔比了。She grew up poor, but now she's living the good life.她出身贫寒,但现在过着优越的生活。Work started slowly, but now we're ramping up to full speed.工作开始时进度缓慢,但现在我们正在全速推进。He used to be romantic, but now he's the exact opposite. 他过去很浪漫,但现在却截然不同了。He left the company several years ago, but now the prodigal son has returned.他几年前离开了公司,但现在浪子回头了。I used to spend a lot of time in London, but now I only go there once in a blue moon.我以前经常到伦敦,但现在只是难得去一次了。I used to think he was a friend of mine, but now I've got his number.我以前一直认为他是我的一位朋友,但现在我看透他了。I didn't use to like him, but now we're good friends.我以前不喜欢他,但现在我们成了好朋友。This used to be a pretty little fishing town, but now it's become very touristy.这曾经是一个很漂亮的小渔村,但现在挤满了游客。It used to be the height of literary fashion, but now it's a dead letter as far as I can see.这部作品曾经风行一时,但在我看来,现在它已经不值一提。She had readily agreed to the interview, but now she was having second thoughts.她本已乐意接受采访,但是现在她有了别的想法。At first she wanted in on the deal , but now she wants out of it. 起初她想参与这次交易,但现在又不想了。Wines from that region were quite popular for a while, but now they're rather passé.那一地区的葡萄酒一度非常受欢迎,但现在早已风光不再了。It has been hard to adjust but now I'm getting satisfaction from my work.适应虽然艰难,但是现在我已逐渐从工作中获得了满足。Then she spoke as a child , but now she is speaking as an adult.那时候她以孩子的身份来讲话,但现在她站在成人的立场在讲话。He was once a fine actor, but now he's just an old ham.他曾经是个优秀的演员,但现在只是个过气的拙劣演员。He was a nonconformist in college but now wears a three-piece suit to work every day.他在大学里是个不循规蹈矩的人,但现在每天西服革履地去上班。He used to go out every night, but now he's a reformed character.以前他每天晚上都出去玩儿,但现在已经改了。There are laws to protect the mentally ill, but now and then someone does slip through the net.虽然有保护精神病患者的法律,可是时不时会有人没有被照顾到。People thought his invention was ridiculous, but now he's laughing all the way to the bank.过去人们认为他的发明很可笑,但现在他可高高兴兴地发了大财。When he was a kid he was embarrassed about his height, but now he can joke about it.他小时候对自己的身高感到尴尬,但现在他却能拿它开玩笑了。Five years ago she was a successful actress, but now she is bankrupt.五年前她是个成功的演员,现在却破产了。The work started slowly, but now it's full steam ahead.这项工作开始的时候很慢,不过现在加足马力了。At first Katy was a slow reader, but now she reads all the time.最初凯蒂阅读能力很差,不过现在她已手不释卷。We had some problems at first, but now things are going just great.刚开始我们有些困难,但现在事情进展很顺利。My keys were here a minute ago but now they've vanished.我的钥匙刚刚还在这里,现在却不翼而飞了。She used to be a teacher, but now she works in publishing.她过去曾是一名教师,但现在从事出版工作。He was a radical when he was young, but now he's much more moderate.他年轻时是个激进分子,但现在温和多了。I was sick but now I'm better. 我病了,不过现在好多了。Golf used to be a game for the rich, but now it attracts people from all walks of life.高尔夫球曾经是富人的运动,但现在它吸引了社会各界人士。We had a couple of false starts because of computer problems, but now the project has really begun.由于计算机方面的问题,我们的项目在初始阶段失败了几次,但是现在已经顺利展开。




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