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例句 Some slippage is acceptable as long as the final deadline is met.只要能在最后期限前完成,可以稍有一些延误。Individuals with even a small degree of emotional intelligence are a dream to work for.想在一个哪怕稍有一点点情商的人手下工作也成了奢望。Any signs of discontent tend to be magnified and overanalyzed.稍有不满便会被上纲上线。There has been a moderate improvement in her health since she began the treatment.开始治疗后,她的健康状况稍有好转。He would lose his temper at the slightest provocation.只要稍有招惹,他就大发脾气。His newest book is just a slight variation on a familiar theme.他最近出版的新书只是在大家都熟知的主题上稍有一些变化而已。When she has a little spare time she enjoys arranging dried flowers.稍有空闲便喜欢摆弄干花。The Christian Democrats did marginally worse than expected.基督教民主党人的表现比预期稍有逊色。A little neglect may cause great mischief.稍有疏忽可能导致极大的祸害。The odds were slightly loaded against us.情况对我们稍有不利。These ideas are still used today, though in a slightly modified form.这些构想如今仍在采用,只是形式稍有些变化。The alarm is so sensitive that the slightest movement will set it off.这个警报器非常敏感,稍有动静便会响起。There has been some improvement in the economy in recent months, but, be that as it may , many people are still looking for work.近几个月经济稍有好转,但尽管如此,许多人还在寻找工作。The pound moved up a little today on the world money market.今天,在国际金融市场上,英镑稍有回升。 There have been a few straws in the wind suggesting things might be getting a little better.一些迹象显示情况可能会稍有好转。He's a light sleeper and wakes up at the least noise.他睡觉很轻,稍有动静就会醒来。Doctors say he has made a slight improvement.医生说他的病情稍有好转。Later, we see this character again in a slightly altered form.后面我们还会看到这个人,只是形体稍有改变。Our chef was a genial, slightly tubby man.我们的主厨是一个和蔼可亲、稍有些胖的男人。Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.蓝筹股一路飙升,但股市其他股票却在当天收盘时稍有走低。Researchers have found a modest increase in risk among users of the pill.研究人员发现,服用避孕药的人风险稍有增加。Passing through the portals of the BBC for the first time, she felt slightly nervous.第一次走进英国广播公司的大门,她觉得稍有些紧张。We might have been exaggerating just a teeny bit.我们可能稍有些夸大其词。He thought it much to have made even a little progress.即使稍有进步,他也认为是一件了不起的事。He knew one false move would end in death.他明白稍有差池就会被置于死地。The two establishments got mixed at the edges.这两家企业有些业务稍有交错。Helen's voice sounded slightly false.海伦的声音听上去稍有些造作。Difficulty in obtaining supplies has set us back a little.难以获得供给使我们稍有延误。Roses do best in well-drained, slightly acid soil.玫瑰在排水良好、稍有酸性的土壤里长得最好。The doctor says there has been a slight improvement in her condition.医生说她的病情稍有好转。He broke my beans a little, but I think it was worth it.他使我稍有破费,不过我想这也划得来。




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