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词汇 初衷
例句 The campaign for independence seems to have gone off the rails.独立运动好像偏离了初衷Somehow I offended him, which wasn't what I'd intended.我不知怎么得罪了他,但这不是我的初衷This report was published in good faith but we regret any confusion which may have been caused.我们发表这篇报道的初衷是好的,但对可能已造成的混乱深感歉意。The doctor's motive was to bring an end to his patient's suffering.医生的初衷是终止患者的痛苦。The result of the reforms was the precise opposite of the emperor's intention.改革的结果完全违背那位君主的初衷He tried to live on as a writer, but in the end he had to sell his soul and work for an advertising company.他想以写作为生,但结果不得不有违初衷为一家广告公司干活。Why did she cry off joining your birthday party?为什么她改变初衷,不参加你的生日宴会了? The trail was originally designed to give our staff a quiet place to walk.这条小路的设计初衷是为我们的员工提供一个散步的安静去处。The judge quite rightly says that he has to interpret the law as it's been passed.法官说他必须按照该法的立法初衷来阐释它,这完全没错。The plan achieved its primary purpose, if nothing else.别的不说,这个方案起码实现了其初衷I'm worried that we're losing sight of our original objectives.我担心我们会淡忘我们的初衷However, their intentions are honourable.然而,他们的初衷是高尚的。Their intentions were honourable.他们的初衷是高尚的。




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