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词汇 创立
例句 Niemeyer was one of the young intellectuals who revolutionized Brazilian society by ushering in new styles of music, art, and cinema.尼迈耶是那一批年轻的知识分子之一,他们通过创立新兴风格的音乐、艺术和电影而给巴西社会带来了一场革命。The case established an important legal principle.该案例创立了一个重要的法律原则。He founded a new religion.创立了一种新的宗教。He said the launch of the party represented a milestone in Zambian history.他说该党的创立是赞比亚历史上的一个里程碑。Several bankers promoted the new company.好几个银行家联手创立了这个新公司。I decided to set up my own business because I was tired of just being a cog in a machine.我决定创立自己的公司,因为我厌倦了在大公司中做个微不足道的小人物。Population genetics owes its origin to Francis Galton.群体遗传学的创立应归功于弗朗西斯・高尔顿。She established a system of tracking expenses more accurately.创立了一套可以更加准确地跟踪开销的系统。Boyce has constructed a new theory of management.博伊斯创立了一套新的管理理论。The Institute was established under the directorship of Professor Gray.该机构创立时,格雷教授是主管。The US Constitution created the country's federal system.美国宪法创立了该国的联邦制度。Foundations set up by magnates such as Carnegie and Rockefeller provided most of the funding for the arts in the US.由卡内基和洛克菲勒这类大亨创立的基金会为美国的艺术活动提供了大部分资金。The Internet was originally established by scientists to share information.最初,科学家创立因特网是为了能共享信息。He decided to quit his job and start his own business.他决定辞掉工作创立自己的公司。The Royal Greenwich Observatory was founded to observe and catalogue the stars.当初创立皇家格林尼治天文台就是为了观察星体并对其进行编目。Having worked so hard to start the business, it would be heartbreaking to see it all collapse.这么辛苦创立的公司,眼巴巴地看着它倒闭,真叫人心痛啊。He was the moving spirit behind the founding of the union.他是创立工会的发起人。The Socialist Party was founded to give political expression to the working classes.社会党的创立是为了表达工人阶级的政治主张。He had set out to establish his own business.他已经着手创立自己的公司了。The scientist innovated new ways of research.那科学家创立了新的研究方法。Last month, they announced the creation of a new company.上个月,他们宣布了一家新公司的创立The Green Party was started with the aim of protecting the environment.创立绿党的目的就是要保护环境。Tax breaks help new companies start up.减免赋税有助于新公司的创立Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection.达尔文创立了物竞天择的理论。Architects are consciously trying to re-create a true Chinese vernacular.建筑师们正在有意识地重新创立一种真正中国式的建筑风格。Schneider played a key role in getting the organization started.施奈德对创立该组织起了关键作用。He played a seminal role in the formation of the association.他在协会的创立过程中起了奠基性作用。Marx founded a new science: the science of the history of social formations.马克思创立了一门新的学科 社会形态历史学。We did all the hard work of setting up the company, and now everyone wants to get in on the act.我们千辛万苦创立了公司,现在谁都想来分一杯羹。Marx produced a new theory about historical change based upon conflict between competing groups.马克思创立了一种新理论,认为历史的演变是基于对立集团之间的冲突之上的。The report proposed the creation of an independent Scottish parliament.报告提议创立一个独立的苏格兰议会。The Red Cross was created to provide a link between soldiers in battle and their families at home.红十字会是作为前线士兵和后方家人的一种联系方式而创立起来的。He lamented his failure to formulate a satisfactory theory.他为自己未能创立令人满意的理论而痛惜不已。He erected a new doctrine of precedent.创立了一套新的判例原则。She is developing new theories that might shed some light on these unusual phenomena.她正在创立新理论,可能会对解释这些异常现象有所帮助。His ideas were pivotal in the construction of a new way to understand time and space.创立理解时空的新方法上,他的观点非常关键。Lipton is planning to depart from the company he founded.利普顿打算离开他创立的那家公司。The new TV companies are fully exploiting the potential of satellite transmission.创立的电视公司在充分利用卫星传输的潜力。He creates his own universe in his novels.他在小说中创立了他自己的天地。Within a short space of time a group of complete unknowns had established a wholly original form of humour.在很短的一段时间内,一群完全籍籍无名之辈创立了一种全新的幽默形式。




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