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词汇 businessmen
例句 His campaign was supported mainly by wealthy businessmen.他的竞选活动主要由富商们赞助。He has gone at his job in a hammer-and-tongs way that has annoyed many businessmen.他劲头十足地从事他的工作,使许多商人为之侧目。They do not resent the city fat cats, but believe top businessmen deserve success.他们并不憎恨城里的那些阔佬,而是相信最优秀的商人理应获得成功。The businessmen have issued a writ against the authority for damages.商人对当局发出了要求作出赔偿的文书。Many wealthy businessmen contribute to political parties.许多富有的商人为政党出力。A party of Japanese businessmen will be visiting the factory next week.一队日本商人将于下周来工厂访问。She watched the businessmen walk past in their pinstripes.她看着那些身穿细条纹西装的商人走了过去。The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident.在俄罗斯的欧洲商人所面临的种种巨大困难是显而易见的。The place was full of big businessmen.这个地方到处都是大商人。Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana.很多商人认为,一个相对价格从不变化的地方会是极乐世界。A free helpline has been set up to guide businessmen through the maze of government and EU grants.为帮助商务人士处理纷繁复杂的政府与欧盟拨款事宜而开通了一条免费服务热线。These days, most of the houses in the Hollywood Hills are owned by aging movie stars and rich businessmen.如今好莱坞山的大多数房子都是那些上了年纪的影星和有钱的商人所拥有的。All the businessmen were wearing pinstripe suits.所有的商人都穿着细条纹的套装。Investors lost their savings, and some businessmen went bankrupt.投资者失去了积蓄,一些商人则破了产。I'm sure many businessmen use some form of deception, at times, to achieve their objectives.我肯定许多商人有时候为了达到目的会使用某种欺骗手段。The President met with top Korean businessmen.总统会见了一批韩国商界要人。He is one of Britain's most respected businessmen.他是英国最受尊敬的商人之一。Tom said that the political noise came mainly from the businessmen.汤姆说政治议论主要来自商人。Such an attitude is alien to most businessmen.大多数商界人士都会对这样的态度感到陌生。Voters and businessmen alike fell for this propaganda.选民和商人同样都对这种宣传信以为真。The businessmen must stand up to the gang extortionists.商人必须勇敢面对帮派的勒索。The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident.在俄罗斯的欧洲商人所面临的巨大困难是显而易见的。Many businessmen still find it hard to shake themselves out of the old state-dependent habit.很多商人发现自己仍然很难摆脱依赖政府的老习惯。The Wall Street Crash was disastrous for many American businessmen.华尔街股票大跌对许多美国商人来说都是一场灾难。The businessmen's nerves have taken a hammering lately, for the economy is in dire trouble.企业界人士最近精神上受到很大打击,因为经济情况非常糟糕。The panel consists mostly of local businessmen.这个小组主要由当地的商人组成。The company's closure has left many small businessmen in desperate financial straits.这家公司的倒闭使很多小企业主在经济上陷入极度困难的境地。Duffield has a lot of status among fellow businessmen.杜非尔德在企业同行中有很高的威望。The program has gained the support of several influential businessmen.这一计划得到了几位很有势力的商人的支持。A group of businessmen has made approaches to the owners of the club with an offer to buy it.一伙商人已经与俱乐部的业主们接洽,提出要买下它。She was intimidated by the number of businessmen buzzing around the saleroom.她被拍卖行里忙碌的生意人的数量吓着了。Some businessmen said that they had Locarnized.有一些商人说他们已用和解办法解决了争端。The company's closure has left many small businessmen in desperate financial straits.该公司的倒闭让很多小商人陷入了经济困境。On the way home we shared our first class compartment with a group of businessmen.回家的路上,我们和一群生意人一起坐在一等车厢。Gangsters have been extorting money from local businessmen.歹徒们一直从当地商人那里敲诈钱财。People don't trust those smooth businessmen.人们不相信那些油嘴滑舌的生意人。Hungarian businessmen have had a head start over most of their Eastern European neighbours.匈牙利商人已经领先于大多数东欧邻国的同行了。I meet many businessmen, and I see they think in terms of the overall picture.我认识许多商人,我发觉他们考虑问题都是从全局出发的。She hates all businessmen and, by extension, me.她恨所有的生意人,当然也包括我。Clever businessmen often manage to evade taxes.精明的生意人经常设法逃税。




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