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词汇 暴乱
例句 Nobody knows what set the riot off.无人知道暴乱的起因。The riot left four people dead and several dozen injured.暴乱中四人丧生,数十人受伤。The riots will also mean lost income for Los Angeles County.暴乱也意味着洛杉矶县收入受损。It's one thing seeing riots on TV, but when they happen so close to home it's a different matter.在电视上看到暴乱是一回事,暴乱在你身边发生又是另一回事。The old town was left unscathed by the riots.旧城没有因暴乱而受破坏。Several police were injured during the rioting.暴乱中有几位警察受伤。She made irresponsible comments that helped cause the riot.她不负责任的言辞助推了这场暴乱的发生。The streets are still full of debris from two nights of rioting.街上仍然到处可见连续两晚的暴乱留下的残迹。The militia is/are sometimes used for dealing with riots.民兵部队有时被召来对付暴乱Los Angeles was left relatively unscathed by the riots.相对来说,洛杉矶基本没有受到暴乱的影响。The riot was inspired by extremists.暴乱是由极端主义者鼓动的。Violence across the city has subsided following two days of riots.两天的暴乱过后,全城的暴行开始减少。If the police carry on like this they'll have a riot on their hands.如果警方继续这样下去,那么他们将要面临一场暴乱Rioters caused havoc in the centre of the town.暴乱分子在市中心制造了极大混乱。The Los Angeles riots reflected the bitterness between the black and Korean communities in the city.洛杉矶的暴乱反映出这个城市的黑人社区和韩裔社区之间的仇恨。Riots preceded the civil war.内战之前发生了暴乱Rioters created a diversion by setting fire to vehicles close to the police station.暴乱者在警察局附近放火焚烧车辆以转移警察的注意力。State troopers acting under orders from the Mayor of Los Angeles have put down the riots.州警察奉洛杉矶市长之命镇压了暴乱This region, which had been relatively calm, erupted in violence again.这个一直相对平静的地区再次出现了暴乱The riots ended in the violent deaths of three teenagers.暴乱以三名少年的惨死而告终。She was charged with inciting the crowd to violence.她被控煽动人群暴乱East Los Angeles was left relatively unscathed by the riots.相对来说,洛杉矶东部基本没有受到暴乱的影响。Police have arrested a number of people who took part in the riot.警方逮捕了一些参与暴乱的人。An anti-government riot was promptly quelled by soldiers using guns and teargas.一场反政府的暴乱迅即被士兵们用枪和催泪弹镇压了下去。Cars were burned and shops were looted during the rioting.暴乱期间,汽车被焚,商店遭抢劫。Mondovi provoked severe unrest, contributing to the rebellious mood of the entire region.蒙多维煽动起严重的暴乱,使整个地区的叛乱气氛更趋加重。Since the riot, race relations in the city have not been good.自从发生暴乱后,城里的种族关系就不好了。During the film's production, the director wanted to shoot a riot scene but the filming was blocked.在影片摄制期间,导演想拍摄一个暴乱场面,但是被禁止了。The government was faced with internal rebellion as well as external threats.政府面临着内部暴乱和外部威胁。Two police officers had a narrow escape when rioters attacked their vehicle.两名警察在暴乱分子袭击警车时死里逃生。The feature on the chief of police was pegged on the riots.有关警察局长的这篇特写是依据那几场暴乱写成的。That small incident was the spark that set off the street riots.那件小事是街头暴乱的导火线。The Prime Minister visited the centre of the rioting and called for calm.总理来到暴乱的中心,呼吁大家平静下来。It took several hours for the police to regain control after a demonstration in the city centre turned violent.市中心的示威游行变成暴乱后,警方花了数小时再次控制局势。The military may be sent in to deal with the riots.有可能会派军队去平定暴乱The violence lasted until dawn the next morning.暴乱一直持续到第二天凌晨。Prisoners in several jails have rioted in protest at their appalling conditions.数所监狱的囚犯发生暴乱,抗议他们极其恶劣的条件。The militia dispersed the rioters.民兵驱散了暴乱者。During the riot shops were looted and cars damaged or set on fire.暴乱期间商店遭洗劫,汽车被砸坏或烧毁。Federal troops were brought in to help put down the riot.联邦部队被调来协助镇压这起暴乱




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