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词汇 出狱
例句 He ought to be out of prison by now.他到现在应该出狱了。He expects to be out of prison in next to no time.他期盼着立即出狱He's scheduled to get out of prison next month.预计他下个月出狱Many people have difficulty in rebuilding their lives when they come out of prison.很多人在出狱后很难重新过正常的生活。Is he likely to offend again after his release from prison?出狱后,他会不会再次犯罪?Her husband gets out of jail next week.她丈夫下周出狱The lawyer bailed the prisoner out of jail.律师保释犯人出狱Peters could be out in as little as 3 years.彼得斯过上短短三年也许就可以出狱了。When I got out I couldn't find any work, and for being an ex-con, that was a strike against me.出狱后找不到任何工作,曾经服过刑的身份对我很不利。In the movie "Cape Fear", a lawyer's family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner.在电影《恐怖角》里,一个律师家庭受到了一个出狱囚犯企图报复的威胁。She could be out of jail in two years.她可能在两年后出狱The government has refused the rebels’ demand to release their leader from prison.政府拒绝了叛军提出释放他们的头领出狱的要求。With parole, he could be out in two years.若能获假释,他两年后就可以出狱Since he came out of prison no one will employ him.自从他出狱之后,没人愿意雇用他。The police have been on my ass ever since I got out of jail.自从我出狱后,警察就纠缠着我不放。It's not always easy to find a job after you've done time.出狱后要找到工作可不容易。He is a former criminal who has kept his nose clean since he got out of prison.他曾是名罪犯,出狱后一直安分守己。He got out of jail just a couple of weeks ago.他几周之前刚刚出狱The police have been keeping tabs on Rogers since he got out of prison.自从罗杰斯出狱以来,警察一直在严密监视他。The ex-convict had reformed and was now a productive member of society.那个刑满出狱的犯人已改过自新,现在成为对社会有益的公民了。He's determined to make a fresh start when he gets out of prison.他决定出狱后重新做人。The program helps drug addicts to turn over a new leaf when they get out of jail.这项计划帮助吸毒成瘾者出狱后重新做人。He did his porridge peacefully, earned his remission and came out.他安分地服刑,后来获减刑出狱He just got out of prison/jail yesterday.他昨天刚刚出狱When Phil came out of prison, he decided to turn over a new leaf.菲尔出狱后,决定改过自新。Now that she's out of prison she's trying to stay on the right side of the law. 既然她出狱了,她就尽力守法。When did he get out of prison?他什么时候出狱的?He just got out of prison after a six-year stretch.他服刑六年期满,刚刚出狱They rejoiced in their deliverance from prison.他们因出狱而兴高采烈。Simon has obtained early release from prison.西蒙获准提早出狱He's been in and out of prison for years.他多年来屡次入狱出狱She spent five years waiting for her man to come out of prison.她用了五年的时间等她男人出狱After coming out of prison, he tried to stay on the right side of the law.出狱后,他努力遵规守法。She was let out of prison to attend her daughter's funeral.她被允许出狱去参加女儿的葬礼。The accused are out on bail.被告们被保释出狱了。He just got out of jail a few weeks ago.他几个星期前才出狱




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