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词汇 出版权
例句 The poet's family owns the publishing rights to all his books.那位诗人的家人拥有他所有诗集的出版权The publishers were flushed with triumph when they secured rights to her novel.出版商为争取到她的小说的出版权而兴奋不已。Activists were calling for a free press and political reforms.积极分子要求自由出版权和进行政治改革。This is the publishing company which brought the rights to Somerset Maugham's short stories.是这家出版公司获得了萨默塞特·毛姆短篇小说的出版权There has been a feeding frenzy among publishers to obtain the rights to her story.出版商为获得她的作品的出版权一直在激烈争夺。Publishers here enjoy comparative freedom to publish what they want.这里的出版商享有比较自由的出版权An agent bought the rights to his life.一个经纪人购买了他的传记的出版权




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