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词汇 出局
例句 He grounded out to the shortstop.他向游击手击出滚地球而出局The losers are eliminated, and the winners go on to the next round.失败方被淘汰出局,获胜方进入下一轮比赛。The pitcher struck out the first three batters he faced.这名投手使他面对的前三名击球手三击不中出局She had a chance to catch the ball, but she failed to make the play.她本有机会接住球使对方出局,但未能接住。He struck him out with a fastball.他用一记快球使击球手三击未中出局The pitcher had eight whiffs during the game.那名投手在比赛中使对方八次三击不中出局The batter struck out on a change of pace.一个变速球使击球手三击未中出局A batter is out after three strikes.击球手三击不中出局He was edged out in the semifinals.他在半决赛中以几分之差被淘汰出局The batter whiffed twice during the game.那场比赛中,这名击球手两次三击不中出局Any misdemeanours and they were out. He never gave them a second chance.他们只要行为不端就得出局。他从不给他们第二次机会。With last year's winner out of the picture , she has a good chance of winning.由于去年的获胜者已出局,她获胜的概率很大。The Irish came so close to knocking England out of the European Championships.爱尔兰队险些将英格兰队从欧锦赛中淘汰出局We were sent packing after the first day of tryouts.选拔赛的第一天,我们就被淘汰出局了。I thought he was out, but the umpire called him safe.我以为他出局了,可裁判却判他安全上垒。That's strike two. One more strike and he's out.这是第二次击球未中,再有一次他就得出局了。The pitcher struck out the first two batters.投手使前两个击球手三击不中出局We won the game by forfeit. 由于对方被罚出局,我们赢得了比赛。The shortstop rifled a throw to second base for the out.游击手用力把球投向二垒以封杀对方出局The batter struck out on a straight change.一个直线变化球使击球手三击未中出局Jimmy struck out the first batter with ease.吉米轻松地让第一位击球手出局The batter struck out on a curveball.一记曲线球使击球手三击未中而出局The pitcher retired seven batters in a row.这名投手接连使七名击球手出局With its best player out of the game, the team found itself in dire straits. 最好的球员比赛出局后,球队感到处境岌岌可危。The team is likely to make a quick play-off exit.这支队伍可能会在加时赛中很快出局They suffered an ignominious exit from the World Cup.他们在世界杯足球赛中灰溜溜地出局了。The batter fanned on a curveball.一个曲线球使击球手三击未中出局With Steve out of the frame, I knew I had a chance with Sarah.随着史蒂夫被排除出局,我知道我有机会追求萨拉。The team exited the tournament early.这个球队在锦标赛中提早出局The pitcher gave him a curve and that took him out.投手给他一个刁球,这一球使他出局了。The play resulted in an out.选手出局,比赛结束。He lined out to the shortstop. 他击出的平直球被游击手接住而出局With two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, he hit a home run to win the game.第九局的后半局,在有两名队员出局的情况下,他以一记本垒打赢得了比赛。The umpire gave the batsman out.裁判员宣布击球员出局In the last inning, a home run can make you the hero, and a strikeout can make you the goat.在最后一局中,一个本垒打能使你成为英雄,三击未中出局能使你成为千夫所指的对象。The batter fouled out to the first baseman.击球手因界外腾空球被一垒手接住而出局As the airline industry shakes out all but the very fittest, catering companies could face serious troubles.航空业除了最盈利的大公司外,其他的都要被淘汰出局,因此饮食服务公司可能会面临严重的困境。She was retired on a fly ball to center field.她向中外野打出的一个腾空球使她出局She flied/grounded out.击出的腾空球/滚地球被对手接住,从而导致了她的出局Losing this game will mean/spell the team's demise.输掉了这场比赛将意味着这个队的出局




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