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例句 He does pretty well in the looks department. 论长相,他很出众It's a competent enough first novel but nothing to get excited about.作为第一部小说,应该说写得还可以,但没有什么特别出众的地方。He is a young man with preternatural good looks.他是个相貌异常出众的年轻人。The teacher considers Jamie's performance truly exceptional.老师认为杰米的表现绝对出众His grammar and syntax, both in oral and written expression, were much better than the average.不论口头还是笔头,他的文法和句法都非常出众She had striking looks and a charismatic personality.她容貌出众,个性迷人。Given his age, he's a remarkably fast runner.考虑到他的年龄,他可称得上是个很出众的赛跑运动员了。When I met Marco I was immediately struck by his great dress sense.当我见到马尔科时,我被他出众的着装品位一下子惊到了。He combined a formidable intellect with a talent for speaking.他不但智力超群,而且口才出众His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.他的词汇丰富,文法出众He's renowned as a brilliant speaker.他口才出众是出了名的。She prided herself on standing out from the common herd.她为自己的出众而自豪。Eddie's brilliance brought him top marks in the Harvard entrance exam.埃迪出众的智力使他在哈佛大学的入学考试中名列榜首。His intellectual gifts were so great that he was allowed to travel throughout the continent perfecting his skills as a linguist.他的才智非常出众,因此被允许遍游整个大陆以完善他的多种语言能力。Nancy liked the distinguished, mannish but sensitive look of the bloke.南希喜欢那家伙出众的、有男子气概却又敏感的外表。Her extraordinary intelligence and speaking ability made her a political heavyweight.出众的智慧和口才使她成为政界的重量级人物。With her mass of black hair and pale skin she looked very striking.浓密的黑发和白皙的皮肤使她看上去很出众In business circles he is noted for his flair and clarity of vision.在商界,他以天资出众、富有远见而著名。His remarkable recuperative powers have proved themselves.他那出众的复元能力得到充分的表现。Lulu was said to be of very superior intelligence.大家都说露露智力出众She was surely the most distinguished queen consort we have had.毫无疑问她是我们拥有的最为出众的王后。She stood out among the students by her beauty.在学生中她的容貌是出众的。A lot of my teachers were good, but Farley was outstanding.我的许多老师都很好,而法利则是非常出众He is one of the most colourful Parliamentary figures of his age.他是当时最为出众的议员之一。She impressed us all with her dazzling intellectual powers.她那出众的智力给我们大家留下了深刻的印象。She distinguished herself by her performance in the examination.她以考试成绩优异而出众Towards the end of the game Agassi's superior strength began to show.到比赛快结束时,阿加西出众的实力开始显露出来。She has excellent taste in dress.她对服装有出众的审美力。If you're academic, you can take some of your exams a year or two early.如果你学业出众就可以提前一两年参加某几项考试。The girl is striking in face and figure.姑娘的容貌和身材都十分出众Many parents put too much pressure on their children to excel in school.许多家长给子女太大压力,希望他们学业出众




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