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词汇 dripping
例句 His clothes were dripping wet.他的衣服湿淋淋的。He was dripping with sweat.他挥汗如雨。She was dripping with diamonds. 她一身珠光宝气。Both horse and rider were dripping with sweat within five minutes.没过五分钟,马和骑手都大汗淋漓。Always fix dripping taps quickly.水龙头滴水就要赶快修好。His voice was dripping with sarcasm.他的话里满是讥讽。She left the clothes dripping on the line.她把衣服挂在绳子上让它滴水。The general wore a uniform dripping with decorations.将军穿著缀满勋章的制服。John came in, his arm dripping blood.约翰进来了,他的手臂在滴血。The knife was dripping with blood.刀子上在滴血。He lowered the lamb on to the straw now that the blood had petered to a slow dripping.等到血渐渐流得少了,开始一点一点地往下滴时,他便把羊羔放到稻草上。The paint was too thin, and was dripping everywhere.颜料太稀,滴得到处都是。The kids were dripping wet.孩子们浑身湿淋淋的。Sweat was dripping down his face.汗水从他的脸上滴落下来。The toast was dripping with butter.黄油从烤面包片上滴下来。His article was dripping with bias.他的文章里满是偏见。The walls were dripping.墙壁往外渗水。She stumbled in from the storm, dripping and cold.她跌跌撞撞地跑进来躲避暴风雨,全身又湿又冷。His hand was dripping blood.血从他手上滴下来。The blood was still dripping from the cut on his lip.他嘴唇的伤口上还在滴血。They were dazed by window displays dripping with diamonds and furs.他们被满橱窗陈列的钻石和皮草弄得眼花缭乱。Sweat is dripping from his forehead.汗从他额前滴下来。Lou was dripping with perspiration.卢汗水直淌。Gareth's dripping clothes clung to his body.加雷思那还在滴水的衣服紧贴在身上。Can I call you back in five minutes? I just got out of the shower and I'm dripping wet.我五分钟后给你回电话好吗?我刚洗好淋浴,浑身湿淋淋的。We gave one final heave and the object emerged dripping from the pond.我们最后用力一拉,那个东西从水塘里出来了,滴着水。They are dripping with sweat and begrimed with the smoke.他们汗流浃背,满身烟尘。Pour the dripping from the pan.把烤盘的滴油倒掉。The tap was dripping.水龙头在滴水。She was dripping with ice. 她身上戴满了钻饰。He was dripping blood everywhere.他的血滴得到处都是。He wrapped his dripping head in the towel.他用毛巾把湿淋淋的头包起来。What on earth have you been doing? You're dripping with sweat!你到底在干什么?弄得汗水直流的!They lived on fat pork and bread and dripping.他们以肥肉和猪油面包为主食。His face was dripping with sweat. 汗水从他的脸上滴下来。A pool of water has accumulated on the ground from the boy's dripping clothes.男孩身上湿淋淋的衣服滴下来的水已在地上积成一摊。She was dripping with diamonds.她全身珠光宝气。She's always dripping with jewellery.她身上总是珠光宝气的。His forehead was dripping sweat.他的额头上大汗淋漓。She was dripping with pearls.她全身戴满了珍珠。




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