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词汇 drive
例句 We all begged him not to drive in the storm, but he wouldn't listen to us.我们大家都求他不要在暴风雨天开车,可他就是不听。He walked up the front drive of the vicarage.他沿着教区牧师住宅前的车道向上走去。Some segments of your hard drive are corrupt.你的硬盘有些区损坏了。They go to drive-in movies, and sit islanded in a sea of fornication.他们驱车至露天影院看电影,宛若置身于情欲横流之洋的孤岛上。Jacqui saw the car drive up outside the police station.雅基看见那辆汽车开到了警察局门口。Whenever she and Bernard had a tiff, Ari would go for a long drive to think about things.阿里每次和伯纳德吵嘴,都会开车到很远的地方想一想。Men like to zap the TV channels, something that can drive certain women berserk.男人喜欢不停地换台,这会让一些女人抓狂。You drive worse than he does.你车开得比他差。Ellen is walking down the drive with a square flat box balanced on one hand.埃伦单手托着一个方形扁盒子走在车行道上。Do you have a license to drive this class of vehicle?你有驾驶此类汽车的驾照吗?Changing down, he turned into the drive.他减挡拐入了私家车道。You should drive the nail home.你应该把钉子敲进去。You're trying to soften me up so I'll drive you to Jodie's house, aren't you?你这是想讨好我,这样我就可以开车把你送到乔迪家了,不是吗?Another car reversed out of the drive.又一辆汽车从私人车道上倒了出来。This car is a tough baby to drive.这辆车可不太好开。He saw a car drive up to his farm.他看见一辆汽车开到他的农场上。Cars drive on the left side of the road in England.在英国,汽车是靠左行驶的。The decision to drive that night nearly cost him his life. 那天晚上开车的决定差点让他丧命。Despite advanced years, she is learning to drive.尽管年事已高,她还在学开车。It would defeat the purpose of having a nice car if you never got to drive it. 如果你从不驾驶它,那么拥有一辆漂亮的汽车就失去了意义。He was just about to drive off when the secretary came running out.他正打算驾车离开,这时秘书跑了出来。Eventually the market nears saturation, the drive to improve efficiency weakens, and stagnation sets in.最终市场接近饱和,提高效率的动力减弱,停滞也就到来了。This drink driver is a menace and should not be allowed to drive again.该酒驾司机对他人生命构成威胁,应该禁止其再次开车。People who drink and drive are a danger to themselves and to others.酒后驾车者对自己和他人的生命都构成危险。Let's drive back the other way.我们从另一条路开回去吧。He turned right, down a dirt road that forced him into four-wheel drive.他右转弯,开到了一条土路上,不得不以四轮驱动行进。I missed my exit and had to drive on.我错过了要走的出口,只得继续往前开。She expects me to drive round collecting jumble for the church.她想让我开车四处转转,帮教会收集人们捐献的旧物。You shouldn't drive a new car too fast while you're breaking it in.新车正处在磨合期,你不应该开太快。You will drive carefully, won't you?你开车要小心些,好吗?He hit his drive into the rough.他把球发进了长草区。It was a long, slow drive in the taxi.这次火车之旅历时很久,中途停站时间较长。It's a great car, and very easy to drive.这车真不错,开起来很容易。I should imagine it won't take more than two hours to drive there. 我可以肯定开车到那里用不了两个小时。Most of us learn the knowledge and skills needed to drive a car fairly easily.开车所需的知识和技能,我们大多数人都很容易就学会了。He cut his rates to drive out rivals.他降低价格以便挤走竞争对手。He backed out of the drive.他把车倒着开出了车道。He was half frozen after his drive, but he's gradually thawing.开车之后,他人冻得半僵,但现在在逐渐暖和过来。The limousine oozed up the drive and stopped outside.豪华轿车沿车道缓缓驶来,停在外面。Let me drive you to the station.让我开车送你去车站吧。




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