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词汇 几颗
例句 The plane dropped a few hot apples on them.飞机往他们头上扔了几颗炸弹。How many moons has Jupiter got?木星有几颗卫星?By two o'clock a few stars had pricked out.两点钟时,已有几颗星星出现在天空中。Several of her upper teeth were missing.她的上排牙齿有几颗掉了。Some of his teeth were damaged and his jaw was badly bruised.他有几颗牙齿摔坏了,下巴也擦伤得很厉害。He fixed the lamp to the wall above the bed with a couple of screws.他用几颗螺丝把灯固定在床头的墙上。The board was held in place/position by a couple of nails.钉了几颗钉子才将这块板固定好。A couple of bombs landed quite near to the village.几颗炸弹落在离村子很近的地方。A few pears remain on the trees.树上尚留有几颗梨子。The moon was so bright that it dimmed out all but a few of the most lustrous stars.月光如此皎洁,除最明亮的几颗以外,所有的星星都显得暗淡无光。Several of the teeth have been sloughed.几颗牙齿已经脱落。Take a couple of these pills last thing at night to help you sleep.晚上睡前吃几颗这药丸帮助睡眠。It's just a question of putting in a couple of screws.只要拧上几颗螺丝钉,问题就解决了。




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