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词汇 prevention
例句 Effective crime prevention must be our main goal.有效预防犯罪必须是我们的主要目标。Crime prevention had to be given more prominence.应该更加重视犯罪的防范。It's a thing there's no prevention for.那是件无法预防的事。Doctors are aiming to concentrate more on prevention than cure.医生打算把更多的精力放在疾病的预防而非治疗上。The police are very happy to talk to local groups about crime prevention.警方非常乐意和当地的一些团体讨论预防犯罪的问题。The best prevention for cholera is to boil or filter water, and eat only well-cooked food.预防霍乱的最佳方法是将水煮沸或过滤,并且只食用煮熟后的食物。They put a high premium on prevention and primary care.他们十分重视预防和基础保健。The best prevention for cholera is to boil or filter water.预防霍乱的最佳方法是把水烧开或过滤。The cream assists in the prevention of skin cancer.这种护肤霜对预防皮肤癌有帮助。We need a positive programme of crime prevention.我们需要制订一个能有效预防犯罪的方案。The organization is committed to AIDS prevention and education.该组织致力于艾滋病的预防和教育。Calcium may aid in the prevention of colon cancer.钙也许有助于预防结肠癌。Surely, as the adage goes, prevention is better than cure.当然,正如谚语所说,防病胜于治病。Crime prevention is most effective when it is a partnership between the police and the public.警民合作预防犯罪最见成效。The prevention of ordinary crime has been high on the agenda for ten years.防止普通犯罪案件十年来一直是最急需解决的问题。The Health Education Council is the central agency for disseminating information about disease prevention.健康教育委员会是传播预防疾病信息的中心机构。How does a healthy diet help in the prevention of heart attacks?健康的饮食如何能防止心脏病的发作?The prevention of an inquiry taking place is a most unsatisfactory situation.妨碍调查是最令人不满的。Conference members agreed on an overall approach to drug abuse that focuses on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.与会人士一致赞成在滥用药物问题上采取以预防、治疗和康复为重的全面措施。Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment.民主党人会抱怨他过分看重惩罚,而忽视了预防和解决措施。Crime prevention officers can suggest improvements to deter burglars.预防犯罪的官员可以提出修正建议以威慑窃贼。Exercise and diet play a role in the prevention of heart disease.锻炼和健康饮食有助于预防心脏病。The stepparent or foster parent shall fulfill the duties for crime prevention.继父母、养父母应当履行预防犯罪方面的职责。These cells carry a mutation affecting the prevention mechanism.这些细胞携带有影响预防机制的变异。There should be ring-fenced funding for local crime prevention initiatives.应该有专项基金用于地方上的犯罪预防行动。A drug counsellor / counselor advises patients on relapse prevention.药物顾问指导病人防止旧病复发。His researches in the field of disease prevention produced unexpected results.他在疾病预防领域的研究取得了意想不到的成果。Officer Browning has kindly agreed to come into school and give us a talk on crime prevention.布朗宁警官友好地答应到学校给我们作防止犯罪的讲座。Keeping dry is a prevention against colds.保持干燥可以预防感冒。A balanced diet is known to assist in the prevention of bowel cancer.众所周知,均衡的饮食有助于预防肠癌。The regulations are aimed at the prevention of accidents at work.这些规定的目的是要防止工作事故。A police officer will be visiting next week to give the children a talk on crime prevention.一位警官下周会来给孩子讲讲如何预防犯罪。This year's budget for AIDS prevention probably won't be much higher.今年用于防治艾滋病的预算很可能不会比往年高很多。Patriotic soldiers appealed for the prevention of a civil war.爱国的士兵呼吁防止发生内战。As far as health is concerned, it's a truism that prevention is better than cure.就健康而言,预防胜于治疗,这是不言而喻的。




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