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词汇 prevented
例句 A tragedy was only prevented by the driver's quick reactions.司机反应迅速从而避免了一场悲剧的发生。The club's constitution prevented women from becoming full members.这家俱乐部的章程不允许女性成为其正式成员。Industrial waste must be prevented from polluting our rivers.一定要防止工业废水污染我们的河流。Dense cloud prevented the rescue helicopter from taking off.厚厚的云层妨碍救援直升机起飞。She kept going over the accident again and again in her mind, wishing that she could somehow have prevented it.她不断地想起那起事故,希望当时要是能做些什么来避免就好了。Heavy seas prevented salvage teams from landing on the wreck.巨浪使海上救援队无法登上失事船只残骸。Bad weather has prevented progress on retrieving the plane from the sea.恶劣的天气妨碍了从海中打捞那架飞机的进程。He was supposed to go back to Bergen on the last bus, but of course the accident prevented him.他本来要乘最后一班汽车回卑尔根,但当然,这起事故使他没能回去。I could have prevented them, and I didn't. Period.我本可以拦住他们,而我没有拦。就是这么回事。A major disaster was prevented by the prompt action of the safety officer.保安人员及时采取行动,阻止了一场重大的灾难。I have been intending to go every day but something or other has always prevented me.我每天都打算去,可是总有这样那样的事情让我走不了。The Government's intervention was timely and may have prevented economic disaster.政府及时的干预可能阻止了经济灾难的发生。The prompt appearance of the police prevented trouble.警察的迅速出现防止了骚乱的发生。It was really the British who, by digging their heels in, prevented any last-minute deal.实际上是因为英国人拒不让步,才使得最后一刻达成协议的希望落空了。The blockade prevented shipments of foreign food from reaching our shores.封锁使国外食品不能运抵我们的海岸。These problems have prevented me from completing the work.这些问题使我无法完成工作。He thanked Providence for the saving grace that had prevented him from utter degradation.他感谢上帝使他免于彻底堕落的恩典。Topalov was prevented from castling.托帕洛夫王车易位受阻。The disease can be prevented, namely by exercising, eating right, and not smoking.这种疾病可以预防,就是要通过锻炼身体、饮食合理和戒烟。A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately.视力上的缺陷使他不能准确对焦。The accident could have been prevented.事故本可预防。The fear of reproof prevented them from complaining.他们因害怕受责备而没有抱怨。A passenger perchance riding on the wagon prevented a fatal accident.一个偶然坐车的旅客使这辆大车免遭了一场大祸。It was foolish pride that prevented me from believing her.是愚蠢的自尊使我不相信她的。At the time, the country prevented citizens from having any relations with the outside world.那时候,国家不允许人民和外界有任何联系。Better intelligence could have possibly prevented the attack.如果情报更灵通些,这次攻击本来有可能避免。The rain prevented her having clear vision of the road ahead.雨水使她看不清楚前面的路。Heavy rains have prevented food supplies from getting through.下大雨使食品供应没法送达。Only laziness prevented him from doing it.他不做这事只不过是因为懒惰。Rough seas today prevented specially equipped ships from skimming oil off the water's surface.今天海面上风浪很大,那些配有专门设备的船只无法展开清除海面浮油的工作。It would be a shame if political correctness prevented a debate on multiculturalism.若是为了顾及政治正确而不得进行有关文化多元现象的争论,那就太遗憾了。Most accidents in the home could be prevented.大多数家庭意外事故都是可以避免的。Bad weather prevented us from leaving.我们因坏天气而不能出发。The college removed rules that prevented women from enrolling.这所大学取消了禁止女性入学的规定。Poor weather prevented the official celebrations from taking place.恶劣的天气使得官方庆典未能举行。It should have prevented rain water warping the door trim.这原本应当能够防止雨水把门的饰边弄翘的。The fighting has prevented the UN troops from fulfilling their role as peacekeepers.这场争斗妨碍了联合国部队履行其维和使命。The density of the flakes and the depth of the snow prevented us from seeing the road clearly.纷扬的大雪和厚厚的积雪使我们无法看清道路。Her diligence as a correspondent prevented any but epistolary writing.作为一个勤奋的通信者,她只写书信,不写别的。Any major changes were prevented by the rigid conservatism of the Church.任何重大的变革都遭到教会顽固的保守主义的阻挠。




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