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词汇 几笔
例句 He gave the picture a few finishing touches.他给这幅画作了几笔最后的润饰。She scratched a hurried note onto a piece of paper.她匆忙在一张纸上写下潦草的几笔He drew her head, and quickly touched in the eyes, nose, and mouth.他画她的头像,只几笔就勾勒出了眼、鼻和嘴。Several risky deals bankrupted the company.几笔风险交易导致这家公司破产。I forgot to enter some of the debits in my bank account register.我忘记把几笔借项记入我的银行往来账登记簿。She scribbled on her prescription pad and handed me a sheet.她在处方便笺簿上划拉了几笔,然后撕下一张递给我。She caught his likeness with a few bold pen strokes.她用钢笔粗粗几笔就大体勾勒出了他的模样。I have several bills to settle.我有好几笔帐要付。Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel.贾森接连借了几笔钱给他,在他重新走上正轨之前帮他渡过了难关。He has had his fingers burnt by deals that turned out badly.几笔糟糕的生意让他吃了苦头。How many registrations have you had today?今天你登记了几笔事项?The small bridge on the painting was no more than a few strokes of a pencil.画中的小桥只用铅笔寥寥涂几笔即成。The groups had historic scores to settle with each other.这两个集团之间有几笔旧账要了结。If you have several student loans, you can consolidate them into one lump sum.如果你有几笔助学贷款,可以合并成一个总项。He put the finishing touches to the painting.他为这幅画作描上了最后几笔A number of the company's debts were written off even before they went bankrupt.该公司有几笔债务在他们破产前就被注销了。Shiraz has stitched up major deals all over the world to boost sales.希拉兹已经在全球促成了几笔大宗协议的签订,以此来提高销量。She pulled a notebook out and scribbled a few notes.她拿出笔记本草草地记了几笔There are several scholarships going begging.几笔奖学金还没主。European governments were persuaded to write off the republic's largest debts.欧洲各国政府被说服注销该共和国最大的几笔债务。His drawings were done in a few bold lines.他的画以几笔粗线挥就。He has several properties in this street.他在这条街上有几笔地产。The letter seems to imply that the president knew about the business deals.这封信似乎暗示总裁知道这几笔商业交易。




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