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I wish everything ready.我希望一切准备妥当。All our bags are packed, and we don't have to leave for another hour, so we're in good shape.我们所有的行装都收拾好了,一个小时后才出发,完全准备妥当了。I would be ready, saving the fact that I can't find my missing shoe.除了找不到失踪的那只鞋之外,我都准备妥当了。She couldn't lift a spoon without a servant anticipating her wants and getting it for her.要是没有仆人事先想她所想并为她准备妥当,她连汤匙也举不起来。Negotiators have already squared away a lot of the agreements that will be signed at the Earth Summit.谈判人员已经把很多将在地球峰会上签署的协议准备妥当。 |