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I was steeling myself to call round when Simon arrived.我正下决心准备去拜访时,西蒙来了。My mother was in charge of the logistics of our camping trip.我母亲负责我们外出露营的后勤准备。She braced herself for the news.对此消息她做好了准备。I think I'll go upstairs and stretch out for a little while.我准备上楼去躺一会儿。I have my story down pat.我把我的故事准备得很充分。I'm going to be down in your neck of the woods this weekend.我准备这个周末到你们那边去。They're going to help us move, or so they said.他们准备帮我们搬家,或者说他们是这么说的。The ceasefire won't last unless both sides are prepared to compromise.除非双方都准备妥协,否则停火协议无法继续下去。She's ready to dish on boys, beauty, and break-ups in her new column.她准备在新开的栏目里大谈有关男人、美容和感情破裂方面的事。They prepared to settle in for the night.他们准备安顿下来过夜。We are going to go over this affair with microscopic attention.我们准备十分仔细地审查这一事件。They put together a Western economic aid package for Moscow.他们为莫斯科准备了一整套西方经济援助计划。Once when we were going to Paris, I forgot my passport.有一次我们准备去巴黎时,我忘了带护照。We've discovered what's gone wrong and are going to put it right.我们已经发现了存在的问题,准备加以纠正。We should wait at least until winter before we start the build-up to Christmas.我们至少应该等到冬天再开始准备过圣诞节。Every fighter was either fighting or gulping fuel for another go.战斗机不是在作战就是在赶紧加油准备再战。We were ready to take action. 我们已经准备采取措施。She was ready to have her ear bent.她准备耐心地听。The next time he took the test, he was better prepared.第二次考试,他准备得更充分。I am planning to invest in a good coat.我准备花钱给自己买件好大衣。The company is putting up wages to head off a strike.公司准备提高工资以防罢工。She disliked Dido but was prepared to tolerate her for a weekend in order to humour her husband.她不喜欢迪多,但准备暂时忍受她一个周末,以迁就自己的丈夫。I'm all in. I'm going to bed.我累得要命,准备去睡觉了。Unions and management seem ready to compromise on the level of the increase.工会和资方看来准备在工资提高的幅度上相互让步。I'm going to do work experience in a factory.我准备到工厂实习。I am about to lay laminated wood flooring over the concrete floor.我准备在混凝土地板上铺层胶合板。They're lining up in position for the kickoff.他们正排起阵势准备开球。We plan to stay a week or so. 我们准备待一周左右。The prisoner has a gun, and what's more he's prepared to use it.犯人有枪,而且他是准备用这支枪的。We will stand tall and fight for issues of concern to our community.我们充满信心,准备为关系到我们社区的事而力争。They shook hands and prepared to depart.他们握手准备各自离开。Legislators are getting ready to sock it to homeowners with high property tax increases.立法委员们准备对业主强行征收高额财产税。I'm ready to go out as soon as it stops raining.我准备雨一停就出门。Uma had a cup of coffee waiting for me, along with a plate of biscuits.乌马泡了一杯茶等我喝,还准备了一盘饼干。They are prepared to change the plant over to production of precision instruments.他们准备把这家工厂改为生产精密仪器的工厂。I' ve had no time to prepare for this meeting, so I' ll have to play it by ear.我没有时间准备这次会议,所以只好有什么谈什麽。I have to study for the history examination.我不得不为准备历史考试而学习。From a teacher's point of view, activities that can be done with minimal preparation are invaluable.对于老师来说,只需稍加准备就可以开展的活动十分有用。We prepared ourselves for the long journey ahead.我们为将要开始的长途旅行做好了准备。Maintenance staff are busy preparing the field for tomorrow's big game.维修人员正忙着为明天的大赛准备场地。 |