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The child sat trifling with the burnt bread upon his plate.孩子坐着翻弄盘中烤焦的面包。He burnt to death in that house.他烧死在那座房子里。The auditorium, the stage, and backstage areas were burnt to the ground.礼堂、舞台和后台区被烧成了平地。I tried a dating agency once, but got my fingers badly burnt – I'll never do it again.我找过一次婚姻介绍所,结果吃了大亏 — 我以后再也不这样做了。In the main square the burnt-out shell of the Palace of Justice still smouldered.主广场上,内部已被烧毁的司法官仍在闷燃着。The acid had burnt a hole in the metal.酸把这块金属腐蚀出了一个洞。Most oil and natural gas are burnt up, as fuel.大部分石油和天然气都作为燃料给耗掉了。After the fire the factory was completely burnt out.火灾后工厂成为一片废墟。The crust of the bread is burnt.这只面包的外皮烘焦了。They got their fingers burnt and lost a lot of money.他们吃了苦头,损失了很多钱。I accidentally burnt a hole in her sofa with my cigarette.我不小心用香烟把她的沙发烫了个洞。Most of the woodland has now been burnt up.现在大多数林地都被烧光了。The cake is slightly burnt, I'm afraid.恐怕蛋糕有点烤焦了。To keep warm they burnt wood in a rusty oil barrel.他们在一只生锈的油桶里烧木柴来保暖。The hotel was completely burnt out. Only the walls remained.旅馆完全烧空,仅剩四壁。If you are badly burnt, seek medical attention.如果是严重烧伤,就得去看医生。Most of his possessions had been burnt to a cinder.他的大部分东西都被烧成了灰。The little girl burnt herself playing with fire.小女孩玩火把自己烧伤了。He has had his fingers burnt by deals that turned out badly.几笔糟糕的生意让他吃了苦头。We passed several burnt out cars.我们从几辆被烧成空壳的汽车旁边经过。Her hair was singed and her anorak was burnt.她头发烧焦了,带风帽的夹克也烧掉了。Have you burnt the toast again?你又把面包烤焦了?He doesn't like burnt toast.他不爱吃烤焦的面包片。Anarchists burnt down a restaurant.无政府主义者把一家饭店烧成平地。That scene had burnt itself into her mind.那情景在她心中留下了不可磨灭的印象。The cabin burnt to ashes.小木屋烧成灰烬。The meat was so burnt that it was inedible.肉烧得太焦,不能吃了。I burnt my tongue on the hot coffee.我的舌头被热咖啡给烫了。His face was badly burnt.他的脸被严重烧伤。A complete tenement block was burnt to the ground.整幢公寓大楼被付之一炬。Half the oil in the lamp has burnt away.灯里的油已烧掉一半。The skin on his foot was burnt away.他脚上的皮肤被烧掉了。They burnt thousands of pagans.他们烧死了数千名异教徒。The sun burnt the back of my neck.太阳晒黑了我的后脖子。He covered his tracks, burnt letters and diaries.他掩盖形迹,烧毁了信件与日记。According to early reports, many people were burnt to death in their beds.根据早期的报告,许多人被烧死在床上。He burnt out the clutch.他把离合器磨坏了。The acid had burnt a hole in my sweater.酸把我的毛线衫烧了个洞。I burnt the toast.我把面包烤煳了。The sand was so hot it burnt my feet.沙子非常热,烫伤了我的脚。 |