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词汇 在酒吧
例句 He eyeballed me across the bar.在酒吧的另一边盯着我。Burton was at the bar, trying to pick a quarrel with a stranger.伯顿在酒吧柜台旁边,想找个陌生人吵架。The others went back to the hotel, but I stayed on in the bar, chatting to Alan.其他人都回宾馆了,但我留在酒吧里陪艾伦聊天。He didn't like the look of the seedy characters who were hanging around outside the bar.他不喜欢那些龌龊家伙的样子,他们总是在酒吧外面游荡。We met some smashing birds at the pub last night.昨晚我们在酒吧遇到了几个漂亮妞儿。You're allowed to play cards in the bar, but not for money.你可以在酒吧里玩纸牌,但不允许赌钱。A fight over a game of cards had erupted in the corner of the bar.在酒吧的角落里,有人因为玩纸牌突然打了起来。He had a dustup with a guy in the bar.在酒吧里和一个家伙干了一架。He had been at the pub for several hours before getting into a fight with another man.在酒吧里待了几个小时,后来与另一个人打了起来。The proprietress was alone in the bar.女老板一人在酒吧里。I'll meet you in the bar later.过会儿我将在酒吧和你见面。He had been at the bar for several hours and he was clearly feeling no pain. 在酒吧待了好几个小时,很明显已烂醉如泥。Her mother disapproved of her working in a pub.她母亲不赞成她在酒吧工作。He said he'd picked the woman up in a bar.他说他在酒吧勾搭上了那个女人。Hector ordered drinks at the bar.赫克托在酒吧里点了些酒。We mostly play in bars and nightclubs.我们大多数时候是在酒吧和夜总会演奏。They had a collection at the bar and they raised over $80.他们在酒吧募捐,筹集了八十多美元。He ran a tab at the bar.在酒吧里陆续点了不少东西,最后一起结账。It began just in the usual way, I mean, a pick-up in a pub, and then his moving in with me.开始的时候和往常一样,也就是说,首先是在酒吧搭讪,然后他就搬来和我同居了。It's the sort of tall tale about how good they are with women that guys tell in bars.这是男人们在酒吧里吹的那些牛皮,说自己和女人打交道如何如何了得。I worked in bars on and off for two years before I decided to go back to college.我断断续续地在酒吧里干了两年,最后还是决定回大学读书。Peter was engaged in an animated conversation at the bar.彼得在酒吧里和别人正谈得起劲。I was talking to this guy at the bar and he starting asking me whether I was married or had a boyfriend.在酒吧里和那个家伙聊着天,他就开始问我是不是结婚了或者有男朋友了。He got his black eye courtesy of a bloke he insulted at the bar last night.他的乌青眼是因为昨天晚上在酒吧辱骂了一个大汉。The way he spoke in the bar afterwards revealed prejudice and bitterness that I had never suspected.后来他在酒吧里说的那些话道出了他的偏见和怨愤,这是我以前未曾怀疑过的。I called her from a public phone booth near the bar.在酒吧旁的公共电话亭给她打了电话。A couple of blondes had been trying to make time with him at the bar.两个金发女郎在酒吧试图勾引他。Her father is probably in the bar, drinking with his cronies.她父亲可能在酒吧里跟他的密友们喝酒。Some rednecks beat up some noisy college students at the pub.一些观念狭隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生。There were one or two strange-looking characters hanging around the bar.有一两个样子奇怪的人在酒吧里转来转去。They were shooting dice in one of the bar's back rooms.他们在酒吧的一间密室里掷色子赌博。There was the usual crowd of students standing at the bar.在酒吧里的又是往常的那一群学生。Davis lingered for a moment in the bar.戴维斯在酒吧待了一会儿。He spends most of his evenings in the pub, supping beer.大多数晚上,他都在酒吧喝啤酒。She went home with some man she picked up in a bar.她和在酒吧里勾搭上的某个男人回家了。They were soaking all day long at the bar.他们终日泡在酒吧里。In the pub he met up with a girl he had known at university.在酒吧偶遇了一个大学时就认识的女孩。It was chaos, everyone was just grabbing drinks from behind the bar.简直乱成一团了,大家都在酒吧柜台后面抢酒喝。A gleaming Harley Davidson motorcycle stood parked outside the bar.一辆闪闪发亮的哈雷-戴维森牌摩托车停在酒吧的外面。He followed her to Paris, where he began singing in bars and cabarets.他跟着她来到巴黎,开始在酒吧和卡巴莱夜总会演唱。




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